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Find / Change dialog

Work with the find and change dialog in FrameMaker.

To open the Find/Change dialog, choose Edit > Find/Change.

Figure 1. The Find/Change dialog
Find / Changedialog in FrameMaker

Select the type of FrameMaker item to search. You can search for text and other Structured authoring.
Note: Whatever text that you search for gets stored in the Find drop-down list. The search history is maintained across FrameMaker sessions.
Simple Search
Searches as per the text entered in the Find field.
Searches based on the wildcard rules defined in the Find field:
Wildcard Description Sample


Star. Any number of characters

*orm searches for: form or inform


Pipe. Spaces or punctuation



Dot. Any one character

fo.m searches for form or foam


Caret. Start of a line



End of line



Any one of the bracketed characters

f[ao]rm searches for farm or form


Any character except the bracketed characters

f[^ao]rm searches for f followed by any character except the a and o followed by rm


Any character in the specified range

f[b-e]rm searches for farm or form but not, for example, ferm

Note: When performing a wildcard find, use the backslash character when finding a character that has special meaning to wildcards. For example, \* searches precisely for * (the star character).
Regular Expressions
Searches based on the regular expression defined in the Find field.
Regular expression Description Sample


Star. Zero or more instances

*orm searches for: form or inform, or frm


Dot. Any one character

fo.m searches for form or foam


Plus. One Any one character

fo.m searches for form or foam


Restrict the search to the next specified character

fo.+?m searches for fo followed by one or more characters (any) followed by m


A digit

\d+ Searches for a number with one or more digits


Specific number of instances

so{1}n searches for son but not soon


Range of instances

so{1-2}n searches for son and soon but not sooon


Range n to m within braces.

so{1-2}n searches for son and soon but not sooon


Caret. Start of a line



End of line



Any one of the bracketed characters

f[ao]rm searches for farm or form


Any character except the bracketed characters

f[^ao]rm searches for f followed by any character except the a and o followed by rm


Any character in the specified range

f[b-e]rm searches for farm or form but not, for example, ferm

Note: When performing a regular expression find, use the backslash character when finding a character that has special meaning to regular expressions. For example, \* searches precisely for * (the star character).
Consider Case
Case-sensitive search
Whole word
Search for a whole word. For example, the search for the whole word so, finds so but not soon.
Find Backward
By default, the Find functionality searches from the start to the end of a document or book. Choose this option to search backwards.
Select the item type to change the found item.
Regular expression change includes a capture group functionality. For example, to find the dates in a document and change the format from dd-mm-yyyy to mm-dd-yyyy, use the following regular expression:
The round brackets on the date, month, and year parts of the regular expression are capture groups. Each capture group is captured within the regular expression variables $1, $2, $3 etc.
To swap the month group with the date group:
Note: If you choose Change or Change & Find when no text is selected in the document, FrameMaker inserts or applies the replacement item at the insertion point.
Clone Case
Ensure that the changed item follows the same casing as the found item. For example, find so and change to soon with Clone Case selected change so to soon and So to Soon.
Look in
Choose to find for items in a book, map, document, or current selection.