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Know more about thesaurus in FrameMaker.

Use the Thesaurus to look up synonyms, related words, and antonyms for words you specify. The Thesaurus lets you improve on a word already in a document or search for the right word to insert.

You can look up any one of the words from the first pass and display its synonyms, related words, and antonyms. FrameMaker keeps a history of the last 10 words you looked up.

If more information is available than fits, you can use the arrow buttons at the bottom of the dialog box to view the additional information. FrameMaker displays the synonyms, antonyms, and related words with capitalization that matches the capitalization of the word you looked up.

  1. To look up a word or phrase in the thesaurus:

    • To look up a word visible in the document window, select the word and choose Edit > Thesaurus.

    • To look up a word not visible in the document window, make sure that no text is selected, then choose Edit > Thesaurus. Enter the word and click Look Up.

    • To look up a phrase, make sure that no text is selected and choose Edit > Thesaurus. Enter the phrase, including any hyphens, in the Thesaurus Look Up dialog box, and click Look Up

      Note: If you try to specify a phrase by selecting it in the document window, FrameMaker looks up only the first selected word.
    • To look up a synonym, a related word, or an antonym displayed in the Thesaurus dialog box, click the word. Synonyms, related words, and antonyms are shown in bold.

    • To look up a word again, choose the word from the Word drop-down list in the Thesaurus dialog box.

  2. In the Language drop-down list, choose an alternative language.

    FrameMaker uses the language of the current text. If a word is not selected or the insertion point is not in a paragraph, FrameMaker uses the language of the interface you chose when you installed FrameMaker. You can override the default language in new documents by creating your own template for custom new documents.

    Note: The Thesaurus for a language is installed along with the dictionary for that language.
  3. To select a word to use in your document, select the word from the Synonyms or See Also lists and click Replace.

If you have selected a word when opening the Thesaurus dialog, the word is replaced by the word you selected in the dialog. If you did not select a word, the word you selected in the dialog, is placed at the current insertion point.