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Insert imported graphic elements into structured documents

Use import file command to import graphics, learn about graphics format, locate missing graphics, add graphics to structured documents and anchored frames in FrameMaker.

In this topic


Some graphic elements are defined for you to import a graphic along with the element. When you insert the element, FrameMaker displays an import dialog box. The graphic you import appears in an anchored frame below the line with the anchor symbol, and the frame is automatically sized large enough for the graphic.

Note: By default, the @placement attribute of <image> element is set to break. You can change this default behavior to insert images inline by setting OverrideDefaultImageRenderingToBreak=0 in the ditafm.ini.
Figure 1. Imported graphic in an anchored frame
Anchoredframewithan imported graphic in a structured document

After inserting the element, you can edit the frame by moving it, resizing it, and so on.

You can also import a graphic into an existing anchored frame—for example, if you used a graphic element that placed an empty frame in the document.

When you import a graphic element, you can make it part of your document (imported by copying) or keep it linked to its original application or document (imported by reference).

You can also import a graphic by dragging-and-dropping graphic file from Windows Explorer onto your document. The image gets added in an anchored frame.

For information on inserting an imported graphic that’s not an element (which you can do only in an unstructured flow), see Import graphics.

Insert an imported graphic element

  1. Click where you want to anchor the frame.

  2. Select an imported graphic element in the Element Catalog, and click Insert.

    You can also use File > Import > File or Insert > Image to insert an element. Select a file and click Import. If more than one imported graphic element is available, choose the one you want from the Element Tag drop-down list in the next dialog box that appears.

  3. Select the graphic file you want to import and specify whether to import by copying or by reference.

  4. Click Import.

  5. If the Unknown File Type dialog box appears, select a file type in the scroll list and click Convert.

  6. If the Import Graphic Scaling dialog box appears, choose a scaling option or Fit in Selected Rectangle and click Set. The larger the dpi (dots-per-inch) value, the smaller the graphic is on the page.

An anchored frame with the imported graphic appears in the document window, with an anchor symbol Anchor symbol at the insertion point. A bubble with the text snippet <GRAPHIC> appears in the Structure View.

If no imported graphic element is available at the location you want, you can use an invalid element. After inserting the element, talk to your developer about making the element valid at this location.

Use an invalid imported graphic element

Do one of the following:

Add an imported graphic to an existing anchored frame

Select the frame and use File > Import > File or Insert > Image to import the graphic.