Home > Structured authoring > XSL Transformations > Application-specific transformations

Application-specific transformations

See how you can work with application-specific XSLT in Adobe FrameMaker.

  1. With an XML file in focus in XML View, in the XSLT toolbar select Transformation from the Choose drop-down.

  2. In the Choose Transformations dialog, select Structured Applications.

    Application-specific transformation in the Manage Transformation dialog

  3. The relevant application, as specified in structapps.fm, is selected from the drop-down list and the relevant transformations appear in the Transformations field.

  4. In Transformations, select the transformation using which you want to generate the output and click OK.

  5. In the XSLT toolbar, click Run.

    FrameMaker generates the hypertext output and displays the file.