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OLE object support in XML

Understand how OLE object support works in Adobe FrameMaker.

Structured FrameMaker supports round-tripping OLE objects, such as Visio objects and PowerPoint presentations. FrameMaker uses an XML Processing Instruction to handle the OLE object roundtripping.

You can control the OLE support using the DirectOLESupportInXml flag in the maker.ini file. To enable this feature, set the flag as On. The default value of this flag is Off; when this flag is Off, the OLE is saved as a .mif file.

Also, notice the following entries in the maker.ini file:
54="pptx"  OLE2 OLE2  OLE2     FMGFXImport "pptx" frame.exe ^.pptx 
55="VSD"  OLE2 OLE2  OLE2      FMGFXImport "VSD" frame.exe ^.vsd
These entries assign an automatic filetype filter to a file when it is imported. If necessary, you can add more filters (with respective OLEs).

To insert an OLE object:

  1. Choose File > Import > Object. The Insert Object dialog appears.

  2. Navigate to the OLE object and select Create from File or Link.

  3. Click OK.

Note: You can also paste an OLE object using the Paste Special command and selecting Paste Link.