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Elements catalog

Understand how to work with the Elements catalog in Adobe FrameMaker and how to insert, wrap, and change an element.

In this topic


The elements in a structured document depend on the Structured Application on which the document is based.

When you create a structured document, the Elements catalog for the document is populated with the elements defined in the application. With the Elements Catalog, you can insert new elements, wrap elements into a new parent element, or change (rename) an element to another element. You can also use keyboard shortcuts and the Smart Catalog to do the same element manipulations.

Insert an element

To insert an element in a structured document, do the following:

  1. Place the insertion point at a location in the document hierarchy.

  2. Select the required element in the Elements catalog.

  3. Click Insert to insert the element in the document hierarchy.

  4. If the Attributes for New Element dialog is displayed, specify the required attributes and click Insert Element.

    You can also click Insert Element and specify any attributes later. For details on attributes of elements in a document, see Working with element attributes.

Note: Double-click an element in the dialog as a shortcut to insert.

If the element is text-based (paragraph or note), you can start typing into the document. FrameMaker ensures that the text is inserted within the element boundaries.

If the element is image-based, the file selection dialog box is displayed.

If the element is table-based, the Insert Table dialog box is displayed.

Note: The file selection or Insert Table dialog boxes display only if the functionality to display the dialog boxes is implemented in the Structured Application on which the current document is based.

To change how FrameMaker functions when you insert an element into the hierarchy, use the options in the New Element Options dialog (Element > New Element Options):

Always Prompt for Attribute Values

Display the Attributes for New Element dialog every time you insert an element into the document.

Prompt for Required Attribute Values

Display the dialog only if the associated Structured Application specifies mandatory attribute values for an element. If you do not specify the values, the structure of the document is broken. However, you can specify the values later.

Do Not Prompt for Attribute Values

Does not display the dialog when a new element is inserted in the hierarchy.

Allow Automatic Insertion of Children

If an element contains child elements, insert the child elements when the parent element is inserted.

The child elements inserted along with the parent depends on the rules defined in the associated Structured Application. For example, in a DITA topic, if you insert an ordered list (<ol>) element, one list item (<li>) element is also inserted. If you disable this option, an empty ordered list element is inserted.

Process AutoInsertion Rule Recursively

If an element contains descendant elements (child elements that also contain children), insert all the descendant elements when the parent element is inserted.

The descendent elements inserted along with the parent depends on the rules defined in the associated Structured Application. For example, in a DITA topic, if you insert an ordered list (<ol>) element, one list item (<li>) element is also inserted. Inside the list item element, a paragraph element is inserted. If you disable this option, an ordered list element is inserted along with the list item element.

Keyboard shortcut to insert an element

To insert an element in a structured document using the Smart Catalog, do the following:

  1. Select an element in the document or in the Structure View.

  2. Press ctrl+1 to display the Smart Catalog.

  3. From the Smart Catalog select the new element and press Enter.

Wrap an element

To wrap an element into another element, do the following:

  1. Select an element in the document or in the Structure View.

  2. Select the new parent element in the Elements panel.

  3. Click Wrap to enclose the selected element within the new parent element.

Note: If you are sure that the selected element in the dialog is a format-based element, such as bold or italic, the double-click shortcut will work. However, if the element is not format-based, FrameMaker will try to insert the element (for example a table) at the selected location. You can verify the validity of the document structured in the Structure View.

Keyboard shortcut to wrap an element

To wrap an element in a structured document using the Smart Catalog, do the following:

  1. Select an element in the document or in the Structure View.

  2. Press ctrl+2 to display the Smart Catalog.

  3. From the Smart Catalog select the new element and press Enter.

Change an element

To change an element (rename an element), do the following:

  1. Make sure the Structure View (View > Panels > Structure View) and the Elements catalog (View > Panels > Element Catalog) are open.

  2. Select the element in the Structure View panel that you want to change. You can select more than one element, even if the elements do not have the same tag. All the elements are changed to the new type of element. However, the elements’ children are not changed, but they sometimes become invalid because the parent changed.

  3. Select an element in the Elements catalog and click Change.

Keyboard shortcut to change an element

To change an element in a structured document using the Smart Catalog, do the following:

  1. Select an element in the document or in the Structure View.

  2. Press ctrl+3 to display the Smart Catalog.

  3. From the Smart Catalog select the new element and press Enter.