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Copy attribute values

Learn how to copy an attribute value from one element to another.

You can use the clipboard to copy and paste attribute values from one element to another. If you paste values to an element that does not have corresponding attributes defined, the attributes are invalid. To preserve element-based cross-references, an ID attribute value is not pasted.

If you copy an attribute from another document, the attribute sometimes is not defined in the current document.

  1. Select the element with the attribute values you want to copy, and choose Edit > Copy Special > Attribute Values. All attribute values associated with the element are copied to the clipboard.

  2. Select a different element and choose Edit > Paste.

To delete an undefined attribute copied from another document, select the element with the undefined attribute, open the Attributes dialog, select the attribute, and click Delete Attribute. In the next dialog box that appears, remove the attribute for the current element or for all elements that have the attribute.