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Add custom CMS attributes

Learn how to add custom CMS attributes to your unique requirements in Microsoft SharePoint or Documentum.

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You may need to create custom attributes according to your unique requirements in Microsoft SharePoint or Documentum. Once you have created these custom attributes, you can provide support for them in Adobe FrameMaker. You can add the custom attributes in FrameMaker that exist on your Documentum or Microsoft SharePoint CMS. You can add the following attribute types in FrameMaker CMS preferences for Microsoft SharePoint:

You can add the following data types for Documentum:

On file upload, the attributes specified in the CMS preferences are populated in connection manager and search.

Figure 1. Adding custom properties in Microsoft SharePoint
Addingcustom properties in Microsoft SharePoint

A. Properties added in SharePoint using the Preferences dialog of FrameMaker B. Adding custom properties in FrameMaker (SingleLine, MultiLine, and curr)

Add a custom property for Documentum

To add a custom property for Documentum:

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences.

  2. In the Preferences dialog, expand CMS and select Documentum.

  3. In List of Attributes, enter the name of the new property. Click Add. Repeat to add more properties.

  4. Click OK.

    To view the added property, right-click a folder or document within the relevant cabinet. Also, when you use Advanced Search, the Add Criteria area has the new property listed in the Property drop-down.

Add a custom property for Microsoft SharePoint

To add a custom property for SharePoint:

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences.

  2. In the Preferences dialog, expand CMS and select Microsoft SharePoint and enter the following:

    Name: Enter a name for the new property.

    Data Type: Enter data type of the new property: Boolean, Date, Double, Integer, or String.

    Attribute Type: Enter one of the following: Text, Note, Number, Currency, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Lookup, Choice, URL, or User.

  3. Click OK.