Home > Appendix > Character sets > Support for FrameMaker 7.x character set

Support for FrameMaker 7.x character set

When you open a FrameMaker 7.x document in FrameMaker 8 or above, font encoding is used to convert the characters to Unicode encoding.

In FrameMaker 7.x or earlier, if you open a document on a platform (operating system and locale) that is different from the one used to create it, a rectangular box appears for characters that are not available in the ANSI character set. However, because FrameMaker preserves the character codes, the correct characters appear when you re-open the document on the platform that was used to create it.

If you open a FrameMaker 7.x or earlier document in FrameMaker 9 or above, it converts the unavailable characters to Unicode and assumes that the converted characters are displayed correctly.

FrameMaker versions 9 and above support three character sets: ZapfDingbats (Dingbats), Symbol, and Standard (the platform-dependent legacy character set). Some of the keyboard shortcuts used to enter the characters from these sets continue to be supported in FrameMaker 9 and above.

This document provides tables for each character set to list the supported keyboard shortcuts. The tables also provide hexadecimal code values. “Hex code” is used to represent each character internally.

Instructions for typing quotation marks and apostrophes assume that Smart Quotes is off. For information about Smart Quotes, see the FrameMaker User Guide.