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Exporting Chinese, Korean, or Japanese documents to HTML or XML

The character encoding for exporting HTML or XML is determined by the Export Encoding and CSS Export Encoding settings in the HTML Options Table on the HTML or XML reference page. For best results, both of these options should have the same settings. For information on using Asian and Western European languages in XML features, see the chapter on working with structured documents in the FrameMaker User Guide.

The default encoding settings are:

In addition to the default encodings, you can specify other encodings like ISO-8859-1 (for Western European language systems) or UTF-8 (for Unicode).

The HTML Options Table also allows encoding names used in FrameMaker (EUC-CNS for Traditional Chinese, GB for Simplified Chinese), Structured FrameMaker (JIS8_EUC for Japanese, GB8_EUC for Simplified Chinese, KSC8_EUC for Korean), and MIME character set attributes (EUC-JP for Japanese, EUC-TW for Traditional Chinese).

The Japanese standard templates create a CSS with Japanese element names that some older browsers might not recognize. To solve this problem, save the file with the default Shift_JIS encoding instead of UTF-8, use an English style names, and use an English font name for the Japanese font if possible. If you modify Chinese and Korean templates and use Chinese and Korean style names, the same problem will occur. To solve this problem, follow the same steps as in Japanese, using the appropriate default encoding.

In general, filenames with multibyte characters are not recommended for HTML and XML files.