Home > Structured authoring > Getting started with Structured Applications > XML with Schema > Generate an Element Catalog (EDD) from a Schema

Generate an Element Catalog (EDD) from a Schema

You can create an EDD from a schema definition, or import the elements from a schema definition into an existing EDD. FrameMaker converts the schema definition to DTD first, and then creates or imports elements to an EDD.

Use the following commands in the Structure > Schema menu:

Each command opens a File Choose dialog box that allows you to specify the schema file, then a Save dialog box in which you specify where to save the resulting DTD file.

  1. In Structured FrameMaker, choose Structure > Schema > Open Schema….

  2. Choose a schema file.

  3. Choose a path for the DTD to be output.

  4. Examine the resulting DTD and make any modification you want.

  5. Create an EDD from the generated DTD, as described in the Structure Application Developer Reference.

  6. Use this EDD to create a template that can be included in the Structured Application.

  7. Provide your DTD path along with the schema location in the input XML. This will make sure that FrameMaker works correctly with your template. Validation of input and output XML is still performed against the schema.