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Control the updating of OLE links

See how you can control updating of OLE links in FrameMaker.

You can control how and when OLE linked objects are updated from their source documents. For example, you can specify either automatic or manual updating, and you can manually update a single linked object or several objects in the document.

You cannot specify updating for OLE embedded objects because an embedded object is not dynamically linked with the original document.

Change the updating of a linked OLE object

  1. Select the object, and choose Edit > Links.

  2. Select the linked source from the list, click either Automatic or Manual as the update type, and then click OK.

Suppress the updating of all linked OLE objects

  1. Choose Edit > Update References.

  2. Choose Suppress Automatic Updating from the Commands drop-down list, and then choose the items you don’t want to be updated automatically.

  3. Click Set, and then click Done.

Manually update a single OLE link object

Choose Edit > Links, select the source file you want to update, and then click Update Now.

Cancel an OLE link

When you break an OLE link, the text or graphic remains in your document, but is no longer updated when the source changes. The text becomes editable.

Select the object, choose Edit > Links, and then click Break Link.