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Spelling Checker


Keyboard shortcut

Check selected text or a word containing the insertion point

esc l s

Or press ctrl and click Start Checking in the Spelling Checker dialog box

Check the entire document

esc l e

Check the current page

esc l p

Correct a word

esc l c w

Add a word to your personal dictionary (learn)

esc l a p

Add a word to the document dictionary

esc l a d

Add a word to automatic corrections

esc l a c

Delete a word from your personal dictionary (unlearn)

esc l x p

Delete a word from the document dictionary

esc l x d

Clear automatic corrections

esc l c a

Display the Spelling Checker Options dialog box

esc l shift+o

Display the Dictionary Functions dialog box

esc l c d

Create a file of unknown words

esc l b

Mark all paragraphs for rechecking

esc l r

Show a word’s -ation

esc l -

Re-ate a document

esc l shift+r

Replace a questioned word

Double-click the word in the Correction scroll list in the Spelling Checker dialog box