Home > Appendix > Keyboard shortcuts > Text formatting > Paragraph formatting

Paragraph formatting

Use these shortcuts to format selected paragraphs or the paragraph containing the insertion point.


Keyboard shortcut

Apply a paragraph style by typing the first characters of its name and pressing Return

esc q p



Center a paragraph

esc j c

Left-align a paragraph

esc j l

Right-align a paragraph

esc j r

Justify a paragraph (left and right)

esc j f

Position the current paragraph in the column, removing any straddling or run-in formatting

esc j p n

Change current paragraph to a run-in head

esc j p r

Change current paragraph to a side head

esc j p s

Make current paragraph straddle all columns

esc j p t

Make current paragraph straddle both the side-head area and columns

esc j p shift+t

Change line spacing to single spacing

esc j 1

Change line spacing to 1½ spacing

esc j /

Change line spacing to double spacing

esc j 2

Change line spacing to fixed (default font size plus leading)

esc j x

Change line spacing to floating (largest font size plus leading)

esc j o

Increase line spacing 1 point

esc j +

esc + 1

Decrease line spacing 1 point

esc j -

esc - 1

Make paragraphs with the current paragraph’s style and the Paragraph Catalog definition match the current paragraph’s format (unify)

esc j shift+u

Start a paragraph anywhere

esc j shift+j

Start a paragraph at the top of a column

esc j shift+c

Start a paragraph at top of a page

esc j shift+jp

Start a paragraph at the top of a left page

esc j shift+l

Start a paragraph at the top of a right page

esc j shift+r

Turn on Hyphenation

esc j h

Turn off Hyphenation

esc j n

Repeat last paragraph-related command

esc j j

Display Paragraph Catalog

esc o p c

Display Update Paragraph Format dialog box

esc o p u

Display Space Between Paragraphs dialog box

esc j w

Display Custom Line Spacing dialog box

esc j u