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Repeat Last Operation

Know how to repeat last operation in FrameMaker.

FrameMaker features a powerful Repeat Last Operation feature that makes it easy for you to repeat the previous operation, when working on a FrameMaker document.

Repeat Last Operation can be performed on a document at the following locations:

To perform the Repeat operation, choose Edit > Repeat [operation/object name] from the FrameMaker menu.

In addition, you can view the history buffer by selecting View > Undo History from the FrameMaker menu.

Click once on an entry in the buffer to perform it. Click once more on the entry to undo the operation.

Repeat Last Operation can be performed for the following actions on the document:

The keyboard shortcut for the Repeat Last Operation action is F6. Repeat Last Operation is session-specific and not document specific.

Repeat Last Operation actions can be turned off by editing maker.ini. Edit the following entries:

Note: Use caution when editing the maker.ini file.