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Edit equations

Learn how to edit an equation, remove delimiters, work with element formats and matrices in FrameMaker.

You can edit an equation as you edit text—adding, changing, rearranging, and removing math elements, and cutting, copying, and pasting them. As you edit an equation, the syntax of the equation is adjusted as necessary.

You can change a matrix—add or delete rows and columns, delete brackets, and change row height and column width. You can also choose among several representations for some math elements such as parentheses. You can add operands to others such as integrals and summations.

If your equation is shrinkwrapped, unwrap the equation before editing it. This makes the anchored frame full-sized again, giving you more room to work.

Note: To edit a rotated equation, first restore the equation or text frame to its unrotated position by pressing Esc+g+0 (zero).