Home > Editing content > Equations > Create and define math elements > Change or delete a custom math element definition

Change or delete a custom math element definition

  1. Display the FrameMath reference page that contains the math element by doing one of the following:

    • If the custom math element appears in an equation, select the element, and choose Update Definition from the Equations drop-down list on the Equations panel. Then click Go To Frame.

    • If you haven’t inserted the custom math element into an equation, choose View > Reference Pages. Then display the FrameMath reference page you want.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Edit the text line that defines the math element. When you display a body page again, FrameMaker uses the modified definition, and shrinkwraps the equations again.

    • Delete the graphic frame. If the element appears in an equation, FrameMaker displays the element name, surrounded by question marks, instead of the element.