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Change equation fonts throughout a document

You can change the font size and spacing for all small, medium, and large equations in a document. When you make global font changes, FrameMaker reformats and rewraps all shrinkwrapped equations in the document.

Greek characters and symbols in equations normally appear in the Symbol font. You can use fonts such as Mathematical Pi and Universal Greek if these fonts are installed on your system.

Functions, numbers, and strings normally appear in Times New Roman or Times. Variables normally appear in italic. You can change the character formatting of each of these kinds of elements. For example, you can display all elements in Helvetica, with functions in italic and variables in bold.

Note: Don’t delete styles from the Character Catalog if you’re using them to specify the character formatting of math elements. If you delete these character styles, all equations in the document are reformatted using the default font.

Use Equation Sizes from the Equations drop-down list on the Equations panel for the following change: