Insert multimedia links table

Understand how you can Insert multimedia links table in FrameMaker.

You can add multimedia links table for U3D and FLV objects.

  1. Choose Graphics > Multimedia > Create Link Table to Graphic.

    Note: If the Create link table for graphic command is disabled, place your cursor in a text area in the document.
  2. In the Insert Multimedia Link Table dialog, select:

    1. Select Object Type: Select U3D or FLV.

    2. Select an Object: Name of the object for which you want to insert the links.

    3. Table Format: Select a table format for the links table.

    4. Table Element Tag: If you are working in structured FrameMaker, specify the element for the links table.

    5. Hypertext Element Tag: If you are working in structured FrameMaker, specify the element for the hypertext for the links in the table.

    6. Select Table Type: Select the type of action for the multimedia links. For U3D the options are View, Parts, or Animation. For FLV, you can choose Seek.

  3. Select Insert.