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Troubleshooting unavailable fonts

You sometimes get an alert message that indicates the document you are opening uses unavailable fonts. Fonts can become unavailable for a few reasons:

If the Remember Missing Font Names option in the Preferences dialog box is selected, FrameMaker preserves the names of unavailable fonts. Selecting this option causes the original fonts to reappear when you open the document on a computer that has the fonts installed, even if you save the document with substitute fonts.

To fix the problem of missing fonts, consider the following options:

Check for damaged fonts

Determine whether the fonts that are unavailable in FrameMaker are installed on your system and available in another application. If another application can use fonts that FrameMaker cannot use, the fonts may be damaged. Reinstall them using the original media. For more information on troubleshooting font problems, isolating damaged fonts or a damaged fonts folder, or reinstalling PostScript fonts, see the Adobe website.

Remap unavailable fonts

If you cannot install or reinstall the unavailable fonts, you may want to permanently remap the unavailable fonts to available fonts, so that the alert message does not appear when you open the document. You do this by deselecting the Remember Missing Font Names option in the Preferences dialog box before you open the file. However, be aware that doing this causes you to lose the original font information referenced in the document.

Switch printers

FrameMaker reads font information stored in the printer driver so that it can make fonts stored at the printer available for use within FrameMaker. In some cases, changing the default printer can change one or more fonts available in FrameMaker.

Obtain and install the missing fonts

For example, if you and a co-worker are editing the same documents, and you would like to use the same fonts as your co-worker, consider purchasing and installing copies of the fonts.