After you upload a file to the repository, you can perform CMS file operations on the file such as check-out, open read-only, check-in, view dependents, and more.
To check out a file, right-click on a file and select Checkout.
When the file is successfully checked out, a check indicator appears on the file icon in the Repository Manager.
After you are done with making changes to a checked out file, check the file back into the repository. Check in allows other users to work with the updated file.
To check in a file, right click on the file that you want to check in and select Check-in. In the Check-in dialog, you can specify the Version Label to describe the changes you have made in the document.
After making changes to a checked out file, you can choose to not check these changes back into the repository. In this case, you can cancel the file check out and release the file for other users.
To cancel the file check out, right-click on a checked out file, and select Cancel Checkout.
The file check out is canceled and the latest copy of the file is downloaded from the server. Other users can now check out this file.
You can also enable automatic file checkout feature from the Preferences dialog. This feature can be configured when you open a file or save a file. To enable auto-file checkout feature, perform the following steps:
Open the Preferences dialog ( ).
Go to
.Select the Enable Auto-Checkout option and then select one or both of the following options:
The Show Prompt option is enabled on selecting anyone of the checkout options.
If you are using a combination of check-out file on open with show prompt, then you see a prompt on opening a file from the AEM repository. If you choose to check-out the file, you get an exclusive lock on the file and you can edit the file. If you choose not to check-out the file, then the file is opened in read-only mode.
If you are using a combination of check-out file on save with show prompt, then you see a prompt to check-out the file on save. If the file is not checked out and you try to save the file, then you are prompted if you want to check-out the file. If you choose not to check-out file, then the updates are not saved.
You can also choose a combination of file check-out on open and save with show prompt to get all above functionalities.
Click OK to save your preferences.
Besides for the operations described above, you can also perform the following operations on files in the AEM repository:
Open the file in the read-only mode without checking out the file.
Display the list of dependent or missing files.
If the file is not checked out, delete the file from the repository.
Locate the physical destination of the file on the local machine.
Display the metadata associated with the file. You can also associate XMP metadata with a FrameMaker file, for details see XMP Metadata in FrameMaker and Adobe Experience Manager.
Display the list of versions available for the selected file in the repository. In the Versions dialog, you can right-click on any file and perform the following operations:
Compare any two versions of the file
Open any previous version of the file
Display the list of file properties such as created date, created by, server path, and more.
Refresh the current state of the file. For example, if you view the file as checked out by another user, the user then checks the file in. Refresh the state of the file after the other user checked the file in.