Understand the arrangement of elements and pods in FrameMaker, know the types of workspaces and their features.
A particular arrangement of elements, such as pods that you use frequently while working on documents, is called a workspace. You can dock, stack, minimize, or make these elements free-floating in your workspace. You can select from several preset workspaces or create one of your own. Once you have arranged the pods, you can save the workspace settings for use later.
The FrameMaker interface has the following components.
The Application bar across the top contains a workspace switcher, menus, and other application controls.
The document window displays the file you’re working on. Document windows can be tabbed and, in certain cases, grouped and docked.
Pods help you monitor and modify your work. Examples include character, paragraph, and table designers; and marker, variable, cross-reference pods. You can minimize, group, stack, or dock pods.
The status bar shows text formatting and pagination information for the current document. For structured documents, the status bar also displays the exact path of the currently selected element as breadcrumb.
In this topic:
You can choose from standard workspaces or create custom workspaces and switch between them. The standard workspaces are designed so that you can quickly switch between workspaces according to what you want to accomplish. For example, the Review workspace has review toolbars, commonly used pods, and pods prearranged to help you review a document quickly.
Manage Graphics
XML/Structured (available only in Structured FrameMaker)
Configure the workspace the way you want it and choose Save Workspace from the workspace switcher on the Application bar.
Type a name for the workspace and click OK.
FrameMaker remembers the last used workspace across sessions. If you were working in the Review workspace and you close and relaunch FrameMaker, it loads the Review workspace.
To switch workspaces, select a workspace from the workspace switcher in the Application bar.
By saving the current configuration of pods as a named workspace, you can restore that workspace even if you move or close a pod. The names of saved workspaces appear in the workspace switcher in the Application bar.
Select the Reset Workspace option from the workspace switcher in the Application bar.
Select Manage Workspace from the workspace switcher in the Application bar.
Select the workspace and click Rename.
Type a new name and click OK twice.
Select Manage Workspace from the workspace switcher in the Application bar, select the workspace, and then click Delete.