View options

Learn about the types of viewing options and displays in FrameMaker.

Note: The Border, Text Symbols, Rulers, Grid Lines, Hotspot Indicators, Element Boundaries, Element Boundaries (as Tags), and Element Banner Text options under the View menu impact all documents opened in the current session.

In this topic:

Preset display units

Some text boxes in dialog boxes require a unit of measurement (such as points or inches) for the value you enter. You can specify the default units for font size and line spacing (font size units) and for other measurements (display units). The default units of measurement appear after the values in the text boxes. If you enter a value without a unit of measurement, FrameMaker uses the default unit.

Spacing of ruler or grid intervals

  1. Make the appropriate document window or book window active. If a book window is active, select the documents you want to affect.

  2. Choose View > Options. Select a new setting from the Rulers menu or the Grid menu. Click Set.

Line numbers

Line numbers in FrameMaker files help you identify particular lines of content. Line numbers are set at a document level (for a .fm file) and appear before each inserted line in a FrameMaker document.

While using line numbers and change bars, ensure that they do not overlap.

Line numbers and change bars displayed in a FrameMaker file
Line numbers and changebarsin a FrameMaker file

Insert line numbers

To insert line numbers, complete the following steps:

Note: You can also use the View > Line Numbers to display/hide line numbers.
  1. Choose Format > Document > Line Numbers.

  2. In the Line Number Properties dialog, select Show line numbers and specify the following:

    Line Number Propertiesdialogin FrameMaker

    Width: Distance of line numbers from the column. The distance is relative to the columns that contain text.

    Font: Font of the line numbers.

    Size: Size of the line numbers.

    Color: Color of the line numbers.

    Restart at Each Page: Selecting this option restarts line numbers for each page.

    Show Line Numbers: Selecting this option displays the line numbers.

Some highlights of line numbers

  1. Support for multicolumn and multiflow formats: For files with multicolumn formats, line numbers appear for text in each of the columns. For multi-flow documents, the line numbers are calculated according to the text flows and continue accordingly.

  2. Recalculation: When you insert text within a paragraph with line numbers are enabled, the line numbers are recalculated to accommodate the new text.

  3. Document level property: Line numbers are a document level property, so you can enable/disable this feature for a document (.fm file). Line numbers can be set at a document level to continue from previous page or restart at each page.

  4. Text flows: For multi-flow documents, the line numbers follow the text flows and continue according to the text flows.

  5. XML documents: Line numbers do not persist in XML documents. However, you can enable line numbers in the application template.

  6. Printing: Line numbers are visible in the print and PDF created using Save As PDF.

Visual guides

You can show several of these visual guides in a document window:

You can also show a grid of horizontal and vertical lines for drawing, resizing, and aligning graphics. All visual guides are non-printing, so you do not need to hide them when you print. Make the appropriate document window or book window active.

Do the following:

Important: The visual guides affect all open documents in the current session. In earlier versions of FrameMaker, the visual guides would apply only on the selected document.

Text symbols

Text symbol


End of paragraph


End of flow and end of table cell


Anchored frame and table anchor


Forced return


Manual equation alignment point

Non-breaking space

Discretionary hyphen

Suppress hyphenation

Subset of menu commands

You can display a subset of menu commands called quick menus. The quick menus do not have commands for formatting text, editing some aspects of graphics, and inserting some objects such as markers and variables.

If you do not see the full set of menu commands, the quick menus is probably displayed.

Note: If you’re using a structured document, your application developer can change the commands available in the complete menus.

High-contrast workspace

FrameMaker uses system colors to draw window backgrounds, text, and other graphics. Users who have trouble discerning colors or variations in contrast, or who have low visual acuity, can set high-contrast color schemes and custom text and background colors. This setting makes the information in the user interface easier to view.

To configure the accessibility options in Windows, set the Accessibility options in Windows Control Panel.

Note: FrameMaker does not adjust colors of all items. Some of these include the background color, and the fill color of graphic objects.

Faster page display

To display pages faster:

April 29, 2020

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