
FrameMaker Publishing Server includes extensive logging features. You can use the FrameMaker Publishing Server logs to troubleshoot any publication task errors, and fix errors in the source documents such as unresolved cross-references. You can define FrameMaker Publishing Server logs to have extensive reports including the number of markers, pages, and so on.

You can specify the log settings for each publication task, or can use the default log settings for all tasks.

Specify default log settings

  1. Open the publishing task for which you want to modify the log settings.

  2. In the Task dialog, click the Modify link next to Log Settings.

  3. In the Log Settings dialog, double-click (or use the move icons) to move the required entries in the Don’t Include and Include lists.

  4. Click Save.

View logs

You can view the logs of the completed publication tasks in two ways:

In the Task dialog

In the Task dialog, click on the Log tab. The Log tab displays all the logs relevant to the task in a reverse chronological order.

In the FrameMaker Publishing Server application folder

You can access the publication task logs from the application installation folder: %appdata%\Roaming\Adobe\FrameMakerPublishingServer\15\ServerData.

You can use log parsers to quickly collect publication-related reports from these logs.

August 22, 2018

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