Insert page breaks in a table

If all the rows of a table don’t fit in a text column, some of the rows move to the next page or column. You can control how the table breaks between pages or columns. For example, you can set the minimum number of rows that can appear on a page or column, or specify that two rows always appear together on the same page or column. You can also force a break at any row in a table.

When you insert a table, the minimum number of rows in a column or on a page is determined by the table format. You can change this number in the Table Designer.

Keeping two rows together and forcing a page break are not part of the table format; they are custom settings, which you make on a case-by-case basis. If you apply a different format to the table, these settings are not overwritten.


Set the minimum number of rows on a page or in a column

If a table doesn’t fit on one page or in one column, the location of the page break is based on the number of orphan rows allowed for the table. The orphan row property determines the minimum number of body rows that must be kept together on a page or in a column.

note:   When working with structured documents, changes to page breaks do not affect the structure of a table and are not format rule overrides.

1)Click in the table you want to change, and choose Table > Format > Table Designer.

2)In the Basic properties of the Table Designer, enter the number of rows in the Orphan Rows box. The number can range from 1 and 255.

3)Click Apply.

tip:   Specifying a large orphan row setting, such as 99, prevents a table from breaking across columns or pages.

Keep rows together

1)Select the row you want to keep together with the next or previous row, and choose Table > Format > Row Format.

2)In the Keep With area, choose Next Row or Previous Row, and click Set.

Add or remove a page break in a table

Just as you can have a table or paragraph always start at the top of a page or column, you can do the same with a specific row in a table. Later, you can remove the page break if you want to.

1)Click in the row you want to change, and choose Table > Format > Row Format.

2)Do one of the following:

To force the row to the top of the next column, choose Top Of Column or one of the Top Of Page options from the Start Row pop-up menu.

To remove a page break, choose Anywhere from the Start Row pop-up menu.

3)Click Set.

January 9, 2018

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