WebDAV technology enables you to read and write files over a modified hypertext transfer protocol. Files reside on the server within a directory structure and are checked out to your local machine. Your local machine has a directory structure that mirrors the WebDAV server structure, so when you check out files, the files are downloaded to your machine and placed in the mirrored folder.

FrameMaker has built-in support for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) server technology. WebDAV is a standard protocol that is supported by most Content Management Systems (CMS). Use WebDAV to download and upload documents, and lock documents so others cannot modify them at the same time as you do. Use a WebDAV enabled CMS to work in a collab­orative environment without worrying about version control.

In FrameMaker, you can author and edit XML files, FrameMaker books and files, and MIF files, located on the WebDAV server. For more information about WebDAV, visit www.webdav.org.

WebDAV server

A server implementing the WebDAV protocol. You can store and access files on any WebDAV server using FrameMaker and a WebDAV client, assuming you have login access to the server.


In the context of WebDAV, URL refers to the path to a file (asset) on a WebDAV server. You can open any file on a WebDAV server by specifying its URL in the Browse URL dialog box.

WebDAV offers distinct advantages over traditional file servers.

Multiple users can download copies of a file managed by a WebDAV server, but only one user at a time can check-out the file. Users who check out a file can share their work with other users while keeping a file checked-out by updating the file on the server. However, other users can’t change a checked-out file until it is checked in. This check out/check in system allows multiple users to access the same file but prevents users from overwriting each other’s work.

Because WebDAV works over web accessible networks, location doesn’t matter. Team members can share files regardless of their proximity.

January 9, 2018

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