Display user information

Note: See the sample files XMLApiAdapter.java, UserInfo.java, and header.jsp.

In your user interface, you might want to display information about a user, such as a name, during the user’s login session.

You can retrieve simple information about the user by calling common-info after the user logs in, like this:


The response has a user element with information you can display or store in variables to use later:

<user user-id="2006258745" type="user"> 
    <name>Joy Smith</name>  

If you call common-info before the user logs in, the response does not have a user element.

Get information about the user

In the sample, the getUserInfo method calls common-info and parses the response for the values of name , login , and user-id . The method then stores information about the user in an instance of the UserInfo class, which is a standard bean class with getter and setter methods.

public UserInfo getUserInfo(String login, String password) 
        throws XMLApiException { 
    try { 
        Element e = request("common-info", "login=" + login + "&password=" 
                    + password); 
        XPath name = XPath.newInstance("//user/name"); 
        XPath log = XPath.newInstance("//user/login"); 
        XPath id = XPath.newInstance("//user/@user-id"); 
        UserInfo user = new UserInfo(); 
        return user; 
    } catch (JDOMException jde) { 
        throw new XMLApiException(PARSE_ERROR, jde); 

// Ethnio survey code removed