View curriculum information

As training managers create curriculums and users take courses, you need to retrieve information about them to display in your application. Often you can make just a single call to get the information you need, once you have the sco-id of the curriculum or course and the user’s principal-id .

You may, for example, want to display all users enrolled in a curriculum or all courses a curriculum has. Another common task is to display the courses in a curriculum the user has completed so far, and then display the remaining courses.

Display all users enrolled in a course or curriculum

  1. Call permissions-info , filtering for a permission-id of view : 
    • The acl-id is the sco-id of the course or curriculum.

    • The permission-id of view means the user is enrolled.

  2. Parse the response for principal-id , name , and any other values you need:

    <principal principal-id="2006258745" is-primary="false" type="user"  
                    has-children="false" permission-id="view"> 
            <name>Joy Smith</name>  

Display a list of all training modules in a curriculum

A curriculum is a type of folder, and you can list its contents with sco-contents or sco-expanded-contents .

  1. Get the sco-id of the curriculum (see Find courses and curriculums ).

  2. Call sco-expanded-contents , passing it the sco-id : 
  3. Parse the response for the sco-id , folder-id , and depth :

    <sco depth="1" sco-id="2006745674" folder-id="2006745669" type="link" 
                icon="course" lang="en" source-sco-id="2006745673"  
                display-seq="0" source-sco-type="0"> 
        <name>All About Web Communities</name>  

    The response returns a flat list of sco elements, including the curriculum and each SCO it contains. You can build a hierarchy using the sco-id , folder-id , and depth values. The SCO with type=curriculum is the curriculum that contains the courses.

View a user’s completed and remaining work in a curriculum

  1. Get the sco-id of the curriculum (see Find courses and curriculums ).

  2. Get the principal-id of the user ( Find a principal-id ).

  3. Call report-curriculum-taker , passing the principal-id as a user-id : 
  4. Parse the response for the status attribute of each sco element and any other values you want to display in your application:

    <sco transcript-id="2006745722" path-type="prereq-none" asset-id=""  
                sco-id="2006745674" depth="1" folder-id="2006745669" type="15" 
                icon="course" lang="en" max-retries="" source-sco-id="2006745673" 
                source-sco-type="0" status="user-passed" score="0" certificate="" 
                max-score="0" attempts="0"> 
        <name>All About Web Communities</name>  
    • A status of user-passed or completed indicates a module the user has completed.

    • A status of not-attempted or incomplete shows the user has not completed the module.

    • The curriculum itself can only have a status of completed or incomplete .

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