Check meeting quotas

The number of concurrent meeting participants you can have is determined by your Adobe Connect license. To check your quota for the number of concurrent meeting participants, call report-quotas and look for the quota named concurrent-user-per-meeting-quota in the response:

<quota acl-id="624529" quota-id="concurrent-user-per-meeting-quota" used="0" limit="unlimited" soft-limit="1000000000"> 

The quota has both a limit and a soft limit. The soft limit is the concurrency limit purchased for the account. It is the same as the limit, unless you purchase a Burst Pack for meetings, which allows additional participants to join past the limit, on an overage basis.

Without a Burst Pack, Adobe Connect enforces the concurrency limit and participants who try to enter after the quota is reached are rejected. If your limit is 20 attendees, attendee 21 receives a notice that the meeting room is full.

All accounts enforce the quotas that are set when the account is created. Accounts do not allow overages, unless you have a Burst Pack. Furthermore, Burst Packs are only for meetings, not for training or seminars.

Check your meeting concurrency quota and usage

  1. Call report-quotas to check your quota for concurrent meeting users:
  2. Parse the response for the quota element with a quota-id value of concurrent-user-per-meeting-quota .

  3. Extract the value of soft-limit , the limit defined by your Adobe Connect license.

  4. Call report-meeting-concurrent-users to check the peak number of concurrent meeting participants on your server or in your account:
  5. Parse the response for the report-meeting-concurrent-users element. Read the value of the max-users attribute and compare it to the value of soft-limit :

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>  
        <status code="ok" />  
        <report-meeting-concurrent-users max-users="18"  
                max-participants-freq="3" />  

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