Log a user out

When a user logs out, the user’s session ends, and Adobe Connect invalidates the BREEZESESSION cookie by setting it to null and using an expiration date that has passed. For example, if you call logout on August 29, 2006, you see this Set-Cookie method in the response header, setting an empty cookie value and an expiration date a year earlier:

Set-Cookie: BREEZESESSION=;domain=.macromedia.com;expires=Mon, 29-Aug-2005 
    22:26:15 GMT;path=/

If you are managing the BREEZESESSION cookie, invalidate the value so it is not reused after a user logs out.

Log a user out and invalidate the session cookie

  1. Call logout to log the user out:

  2. Parse for a status code of ok to make sure the logout was successful.

  3. Set the cookie value to null or otherwise invalidate it. For example, in this Java code snippet, the breezesession variable stores the cookie value and is set to null :

        public void logout() throws XMLApiException { 
            request("logout", null); 
            this.breezesession = null; 

// Ethnio survey code removed