View and edit account information

The Account Summary page appears when you click the Administration tab. It describes the applications and products that are enabled for this account.

Most of the account information on the Account Summary page cannot be changed through Connect Central. You can modify the following account settings in Connect Central: the default time zone, the default language, the Event user policy (if the Events feature is part of your account), and the primary contact information.

The information that you modify here applies to the entire account. (To change your own user account profile information, click My Profile in the upper-right corner and use the Edit My Preferences option.)

View account information

  1. Log in to Connect Central
  2. Click the Administration tab.

    The Account Summary shows details about your account and its features.

    Under the Features and Advanced Features headings, you see information about your account. The check mark by the application name means it is enabled.

    System Features
    Bandwidth per Month shows the amount of data transmitted to or from your account monthly compared to the amount of bandwidth you are allowed to use. Disk Usage (MB) shows the amount of hard drive space consumed by your account compared to the amount of disk space you are allowed to use.

    The number of authors in your installation compared to the number that is permitted.

    The pricing model that your organization uses for training. Training managers lists the number of managers in your installation compared to the number that is permitted. Named Training Learners lists the number of learners that have been added to the learners group compared to the number that is permitted. (Only members of this group can view training content.) Training Concurrent Learner License Limit lists the number of users who can simultaneously view training content.

    The pricing model that your organization uses for attendees. Meeting Hosts lists the number of hosts in your installation compared to the number that is permitted. Meeting Peak Concurrent Users lists the number of users who can simultaneously attend meetings. (The Soft Limit is the amount of quota that was purchased and the Hard Limit is the amount of quota that is enforced.) The Concurrent Users Per Meeting is the number of users who can simultaneously attend a single meeting. Burst Pack Minutes are prepaid overage minutes. One burst pack comes with 5000 minutes.

    Seminar Rooms
    The number of Seminar Hosts in your installation compared to the number that is permitted.

    Event Management
    The number of Event Managers in your installation compared to the number that is permitted.

    Enable FlashPaper
    An Adobe product that enables you to convert HTML, Microsoft Word, and PowerPoint files into Flash documents for the web. Adobe has stopped new feature development for FlashPaper. Adobe recommends using PDF to present and collaborate on documents in Connect.

    Customization and Rebranding
    A feature that allows you to customize and brand your account.

    Requires SSL Connection
    A feature that determines whether your account uses SSL to encrypt all communication between the server and connected users.

    A feature that allows you to access the Reports wizard.

Edit account information

  1. Log in to Connect Central.
  2. Click the Administration tab.
  3. Click Edit Information.
  4. Do any of the following:
    • To change the default language, select a language from the Default Language pop-up menu.

    • To change the default time zone, select a time zone from the Default Time Zone pop-up menu.

    • To change the rule for event registrants, select an option from the Event User Policy pop-up menu.

    • To change the contact information, enter a first name, last name, and e‑mail address in the Primary Contact text boxes.

  5. Click Save.

Pricing models

The pricing model determines how your organization pays for its usage and is associated with the quota and usage information that you see under System Features. There are different models for training and meetings.

There is one pricing model for training:

Concurrent learners
This model limits how many learners can be active in all courses or curriculums at the same time.

There are two pricing models for meetings; you see the information appropriate for the model that your organization purchased:

Named organizer
This model limits how many users can initiate meetings. Each named organizer can initiate one active meeting at a time. Each meeting is limited to the number of participants specified in the license file. A named organizer must be present to start a meeting, and a meeting ends if all named organizers leave the meeting.

Concurrent attendee
This model limits how many participants can be active in a meeting at the same time. The limit does not affect seminar attendees.
Note: You cannot have quotas for named organizers and concurrent attendees at the same time.

Seminar rooms quotas do not affect any other quotas. There is a seminar attendee limit, which determines how many participants can be active in a seminar at the same time. This limit applies to each seminar room independently.

Both the named organizer and concurrent attendee pricing models display the same fields, however, some fields are irrelevant based on the pricing model your organization has purchased:

  • If your organization uses the concurrent user model, then the Concurrent Users Per Meeting field is irrelevant, as the account is bound by the information in the Meeting Peak Concurrent Users field. If the Concurrent Users Per Meeting field displays "unlimited," this indicates that Connect does not limit the size of any given room. However, there is an upper limit specifying the number of concurrent users the account supports.

  • If your organization uses the named organizer model, Connect specifies a maximum room capacity, which is displayed in the Concurrent Users Per Meeting field. The Meeting Peak Concurrent Users field is irrelevant when using the named organizer model, as Connect limits the number of organizers using the Concurrent Users Per Meeting field, which is typically set at 100 users.

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