About notifications and reminders

Notifications are placed in a queue and are sent as follows:

  • Notifications set to Send now are sent when you click Send.

  • Notifications set up for future dates are processed every night at midnight. On the set date, depending on the number of notifications in the queue, they are sent within a few minutes or a few hours after midnight PST.

Notifications appear to be sent from whoever creates the course, using the e‑mail address specified in their Adobe Connect account. Any e‑mail delivery failure notifications are also sent to that address.

All e‑mail notifications are sent individually. Recipients do not see the list of other recipients in the message header.

Reminders are placed in a queue and are sent as follows:

  • Reminders to be sent starting on the current date are sent shortly after the course is created.

  • Adobe Connect sends reminders from the person who creates the course, using the e‑mail address specified in the curriculum creator’s Adobe Connect account. The e‑mail reminders are sent individually; recipients do not see the list of other recipients in the message header. (Also, any e‑mail delivery failure notifications are sent to the course creator’s e‑mail address.)

  • Reminders set up for future dates are processed every night at midnight. On the set date, depending on the number of e‑mail reminders in the queue, they are sent within a few minutes or a few hours after midnight PST.

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