Getting started

System requirements

Adobe® Connect™ 8 supports most versions of Lotus Notes, starting with Lotus Notes 7, on Domino Servers. A complete listing of system requirements is available at .

Install and open the Adobe Connect Lotus Notes Add-in

Lotus Notes 8.5 and later

Your system administrator deploys the Connect and specifies which members of the group can download and use the add-in. If you are one of these members, you are prompted to download the add-in the first time you open the mail database. After downloading the add-in and starting Lotus Notes for the first time, you are prompted to enter your Adobe Connect credentials. These credentials include login, password, and server URL. If your credentials are confirmed, the meeting room list is retrieved from the server. If your credentials are not confirmed, follow the instructions in the error message.

Lotus Notes 7

The Connect functionality is embedded in the mail template, and your system administrator publishes and activates the functionality. The first time you open the mail database, you are prompted to install and set up your Adobe Connect account.

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