Transparent windows

In AIR desktop applications, consider using an opaque rectangular application window instead of a transparent window.

To use an opaque window for the initial window of an AIR desktop application, set the following value in the application descriptor XML file:


For windows created by application code, create a NativeWindowInitOptions object with the transparent property set to false (the default). Pass it to the NativeWindow constructor while creating the NativeWindow object:

// NativeWindow: flash.display.NativeWindow class 
var initOptions:NativeWindowInitOptions = new NativeWindowInitOptions(); 
initOptions.transparent = false; 
var win:NativeWindow = new NativeWindow(initOptions);

For a Flex Window component, make sure the component’s transparent property is set to false, the default, before calling the Window object’s open() method.

// Flex window component: spark.components.Window class 
var win:Window = new Window(); 
win.transparent = false;;

A transparent window potentially shows part of the user’s desktop or other application windows behind the application window. Consequently, the runtime uses more resources to render a transparent window. A rectangular non-transparent window, whether it uses operating system chrome or custom chrome, does not have the same rendering burden.

Only use a transparent window when it is important to have a non-rectangular display or to have background content display through your application window.

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