GPU rendering in mobile AIR applications

Enable hardware graphics acceleration in an AIR application by including <renderMode>gpu</renderMode> in the application descriptor (or use <renderMode>direct</renderMode> to leverage Stage3D). You cannot change render modes at runtime. On desktop computers, using <renderMode>gpu</renderMode> will fallback to <renderMode>direct</renderMode> .

Note: In order to leverage GPU acceleration of Flash content with AIR for mobile platforms, Adobe recommends that you use renderMode="direct" (that is, Stage3D) rather than renderMode="gpu". Adobe officially supports and recommends the following Stage3D based frameworks: Starling (2D) and Away3D (3D). For more details on Stage3D and Starling/Away3D, see .

GPU rendering mode limitations

The following limitations exist when using GPU rendering mode in AIR 2.5 and above:

  • If the GPU cannot render an object, it is not displayed at all. There is no fallback to CPU rendering.

  • The following blend modes are not supported: layer, alpha, erase, overlay, hardlight, lighten, and darken.

  • Filters are not supported.

  • PixelBender is not supported.

  • Many GPU units have a maximum texture size of 1024x1024. In ActionScript, this translates to the maximum final rendered size of a display object after all transformations.

  • Adobe does not recommend the use of GPU rendering mode in AIR applications that play video.

  • In GPU rendering mode, text fields are not always moved to a visible location when the virtual keyboard opens. To ensure that your text field is visible while the user enters text, do one of the following. Place the text field in the top half of the screen or move it to the top half of the screen when it receives focus.

  • GPU rendering mode is disabled for some devices on which the mode does not work reliably. See the AIR developer release notes for the latest information.

GPU rendering mode best practices

The following guidelines can make GPU rendering faster:

  • Limit the numbers of items visible on stage. Each item takes some time to render and composite with the other items around it. When you no longer want to display a display object, set its visible property to false . Do not simply move it off stage, hide it behind another object, or set its alpha property to 0. If the display object is no longer needed at all, remove it from the stage with removeChild() .

  • Reuse objects rather than creating and destroying them.

  • Make bitmaps in sizes that are close to, but less than, 2 n by 2 m bits. The dimensions do not have to be exact powers of 2, but they should be close to a power of 2, without being larger. For example, a 31-by-15-pixel image renders faster than a 33-by-17-pixel image. (31 and 15 are just less than powers of 2: 32 and 16.)

  • If possible, set the repeat parameter to false when calling the Graphic.beginBitmapFill() method.

  • Don't overdraw. Use the background color as a background. Don't layer large shapes on top of each other. There is a cost for every pixel that must be drawn.

  • Avoid shapes with long thin spikes, self -intersecting edges, or lots of fine detail along the edges. These shapes take longer to render than display objects with smooth edges.

  • Limit the size of display objects.

  • Enable cacheAsBitMap and cacheAsBitmapMatrix for display objects whose graphics aren’t updated frequently.

  • Avoid using the ActionScript drawing API (the Graphics class) to create graphics. When possible, create those objects statically at authoring time instead.

  • Scale bitmap assets to the final size before importing them.

GPU rendering mode in mobile AIR 2.0.3 and above

GPU rendering is more restrictive in mobile AIR apps created with the Packager for iPhone. The GPU is only effective for bitmaps, solid shapes, and display objects that have the cacheAsBitmap property set. Also, for objects that have cacheAsBitmap and cacheAsBitmapMatrix set, the GPU can effectively render objects that rotate or scale. The GPU is used in tandem for other display objects and this generally results in poor rendering performance.

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