Working with pixels

Paint pixels using the setVector() method.

When painting pixels, some simple optimizations can be made just by using the appropriate methods of the BitmapData class. A fast way to paint pixels is to use the setVector() method:

// Image dimensions 
var wdth:int = 200; 
var hght:int = 200; 
var total:int = wdth*hght; 
// Pixel colors Vector 
var pixels:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>(total, true); 
for ( var i:int = 0; i< total; i++ ) 
    // Store the color of each pixel 
    pixels[i] = Math.random()*0xFFFFFF; 
// Create a non-transparent BitmapData object 
var myImage:BitmapData = new BitmapData ( wdth, hght, false ); 
var imageContainer:Bitmap = new Bitmap ( myImage ); 
// Paint the pixels 
myImage.setVector ( myImage.rect, pixels ); 
addChild ( imageContainer );

When using slow methods, such as setPixel() or setPixel32() , use the lock() and unlock() methods to make things run faster. In the following code, the lock( ) and unlock() methods are used to improve performance:

var buffer:BitmapData = new BitmapData(200,200,true,0xFFFFFFFF); 
var bitmapContainer:Bitmap = new Bitmap(buffer); 
var positionX:int; 
var positionY:int; 
// Lock update 
var starting:Number=getTimer(); 
for (var i:int = 0; i<2000000; i++) 
    // Random positions 
    positionX = Math.random()*200; 
    positionY = Math.random()*200; 
    // 40% transparent pixels 
    buffer.setPixel32( positionX, positionY, 0x66990000 ); 
// Unlock update 
addChild( bitmapContainer ); 
trace( getTimer () - starting ); 
// output : 670

The lock() method of the BitmapData class locks an image and prevents objects that reference it from being updated when the BitmapData object changes. For example, if a Bitmap object references a BitmapData object, you can lock the BitmapData object, change it, and then unlock it. The Bitmap object is not changed until the BitmapData object is unlocked. To improve performance, use this method along with the unlock() method before and after numerous calls to the setPixel() or setPixel32() method. Calling lock() and unlock() prevents the screen from being updated unnecessarily.

Note: When processing pixels on a bitmap not on the display list (double-buffering), sometimes this technique does not improve performance. If a bitmap object does not reference the bitmap buffer, using lock() and unlock() does not improve performance. Flash Player detects that the buffer is not referenced, and the bitmap is not rendered onscreen.

Methods that iterate over pixels, such as getPixel() , getPixel32() , setPixel() , and setPixel32() , are likely to be slow, especially on mobile devices. If possible, use methods that retrieve all the pixels in one call. For reading pixels, use the getVector() method, which is faster than the getPixels() method. Also, remember to use APIs that rely on Vector objects, when possible, as they are likely to run faster.

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