You can run the Packager for iPhone from the command line.
The Packager for iPhone converts the SWF file byte code and other
source files into a native iPhone application.
Open a command shell or a terminal and navigate to the
project folder of your iPhone application.
Next, use the pfi tool to create the IPA file, using the
following syntax:
pfi -package -target [ipa-test ipa-debug ipa-app-store ipa-ad-hoc] -provisioning-profile PROFILE_PATH SIGNING_OPTIONS TARGET_IPA_FILE APP_DESCRIPTOR SOURCE_FILES
the reference
to include the full path to the
pfi application. The pfi application is installed in the pfi/bin
subdirectory of the Flash Professional CS5 installation directory
option that corresponds to the type
of iPhone application you want to create:
-target ipa-test
this option to quickly compile a version of the application for
testing on your developer iPhone.
-target ipa-debug
—Choose this option to
compile a debug version of the application for testing on your developer
iPhone. With this option, you can use a debug session to receive
from the iPhone application.
You can include one of the following
options (
to specify the IP address of the development computer running the
—The application
will attempt to connect to a debug session on the development computer
used to compile the application.
-connect IP_ADDRESS
—The application will
attempt to connect to a debug session on the computer with the specified
IP address. For example:
-target ipa-debug -connect
-connect HOST_NAME
—The application will
attempt to connect to a debug session on the computer with the specified
host name. For example:
-target ipa-debug -connect
is not included in the Packager for iPhone Preview included Flash
Professional CS5. Update the Packager for iPhone by selecting Help
> Updates in Flash Professional CS5.
is optional. If not specified, the resulting debug application will
not attempt to connect to a hosted debugger.
If a debug connection
attempts fail, the application presents a dialog asking the user
to enter the IP address of the debugging host machine. A connection
attempt can fail if the device is not connected to wifi. It can
also occur if the device is connected but not behind the firewall
of the debugging host machine.
For more information, see
Debugging an iPhone application
You can also include the
to enable the GPU rendering diagnostics feature. For more information,
see “Debugging with GPU rendering diagnostics” in
Debugging an iPhone application
-target ipa-ad-hoc
—Choose this option to
create an application for ad hoc deployment. See the Apple iPhone
developer center
-target ipa-app-store
—Choose this option
to create a final version of the IPA file for deployment to the
Apple App Store.
Replace the
the path to the provisioning profile file for your application.
For more information on provisioning profiles, see
Obtaining developer files from Apple
Replace the
reference your iPhone developer certificate and password. Use the
following syntax:
-storetype pkcs12 -keystore P12_FILE_PATH -storepass PASSWORD
the path to your P12 certificate file. Replace
the certificate password. (See the example below.) For more information
on the P12 certificate file, see
Converting a developer certificate into a P12 file
Replace the
reference the application descriptor file.
Replace the
reference the main SWF file of your project followed by any other
assets to include. Include the paths to all icon files you defined
in the application settings dialog box in Flash CS5 or in a custom
application descriptor file. Also, add the initial screen art file, Default.png.
Consider the following example:
pfi -package -target ipa-test -storetype pkcs12 -keystore "/Users/Jeff/iPhoneCerts/iPhoneDeveloper_Jeff.p12" -storepass dfb7VKL19 "HelloWorld.ipa" "HelloWorld-app.xml" "HelloWorld.swf" "Default.png" "icons/icon29.png" "icons/icon57.png" "icons/icon512.png"
It compiles a HelloWorld.ipa file using the following:
A specific PKCS#12 certificate using the certificate
password dfb7VKL19
The HelloWorld-app.xml application descriptor file
A source HelloWorld.swf file
Specific Default.png and icon files
The pfi application compiles the application, based on the application
descriptor file, the SWF file, and the other assets, into an IPA
On Mac OS, you can use a certificate stored in the keychain by
adding the following options to the pfi command:
-alias ALIAS_NAME -storetype KeychainStore -providerName Apple
with the alias of the certificate you
want to use. When you point to a certificate stored in the Mac keychain,
you do specify the alias instead of pointing to a certificate file