Setting iPhone application properties in Flash Professional CS5

The Flash Professional CS5 iPhone Settings dialog box lets you define many basic properties of the iPhone application.

To open the iPhone Settings dialog box:

Choose File > iPhone Settings.

General tab

The General tab includes the following iPhone-related settings:

  • Output file—The name of the application displayed under the application icon in the iPhone. Do not include a plus sign (+) character in the output filename.

  • App name—The name of the application displayed under the application icon in the iPhone. Do not include a plus sign (+) character in the app name.

  • Version—Helps users determine which version of your application they are installing. The version is used as the CFBundleVersion of the iPhone application. It must be in a format similar to nnnnn[.nn[.nn]] where n is a digit 0-9 and brackets indicate optional components, such as 1, 1.0, or 1.0.1. iPhone versions must contain only digits and decimal points. iPhone versions can contain up to two decimal points.

  • Aspect ratio—The initial aspect ratio of the application (portrait or landscape).

  • Full screen—Whether the application uses the full screen, or if it displays the iPhone status bar.

  • Auto orientation—Select this application to have the application’s display contents reorient when the iPhone is reoriented.

    When using auto-orientation, for best results add ActionScript code to set the align property of the Stage to the following:

    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; 
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
  • Rendering—How display objects are rendered on the iPhone:

    • CPU—The application uses the CPU to render all display objects. No hardware acceleration is used.

    • GPU—The application uses the iPhone GPU to composite bitmaps.

    • Auto—This feature has not been implemented.

    For more information, see Hardware acceleration .

  • Included files—Add all files and directories to package in the iPhone application. The main SWF file and the application descriptor file are included by default. Add any other required assets to the Included Files list. Be sure to add the initial screen art file (Default.png) to the Included Files list.

Deployment tab

The Deployment tab includes signing and compilation settings for the application:

  • iPhone digital signature—Specify a P12 certificate file and the password for the certificate. You must convert the Apple iPhone certificate to the .p12 format. For more information, see Obtaining developer files from Apple .

  • Provisioning file—Point to the provisioning file for this application, which you obtained from Apple. For more information, see Obtaining developer files from Apple .

  • App ID—The app ID uniquely identifies your application. If the provisioning file is tied to a specific application ID, Flash Professional CS5 sets this field, and you cannot edit it. Otherwise, the provisioning profile allows multiple (wildcard) app IDs. Provide an application ID that matches the application ID wildcard pattern you provided to Apple:

    • If your Apple app ID is com.myDomain.*, the app ID in the iPhone Settings dialog box must start with com.myDomain. (such as com.myDomain.myApp or com.myDomain.app22).

    • If your Apple app ID is *, the App ID in the iPhone Settings dialog box can be any string of valid characters.

    You can find the Apple app ID (or wildcard app ID pattern) associated with your provisioning profile at the iPhone Dev Center ( ). Go to the iPhone Developer Program Portal and then go to the Provisioning section.

    Important: Disregard the characters at the front of the Apple app ID. Apple calls this string the Bundle Seed ID. For example, if Apple lists your app ID as, disregard 96LPVWEASL—use com.example.bob.myApp as the app ID. If Apple lists your app ID as 5RM86Z4DJM.*, disregard 5RM86Z4DJM—this is a wildcard app ID.

  • iPhone deployment type:

    • Quick publishing for device testing—Choose this option to quickly compile a version of the application for testing on your developer iPhone.

    • Quick publishing for device debugging—Choose this option to quickly compile a debug version of the application for testing on your developer iPhone. With this option, the Flash Professional CS5 debugger can receive trace() output from the iPhone application. (See Debugging an iPhone application .)

    • Deployment - Ad Hoc—Choose this option to create an application for ad hoc deployment. See the Apple iPhone developer center

    • Deployment - Apple App Store—Choose this option to create a final version of the IPA file for deployment to the Apple App Store.

Icons tab

On the Icons tab, specify the location of the 29 x 29-pixel icon image, the 48 x 48-pixel icon image, the 57 x 57-pixel icon image, the 72 x 72-pixel icon image, and the 512 x 512-pixel icon image. See iPhone icon and initial screen images .

Note: Options for the 48 x 48-pixel and 72 x 72-pixel are not included in the version of the Packager for iPhone Preview included with Flash Professional CS5. In Flash Professional CS5 select Help > Updates to add these options.

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