Handling events

Every component broadcasts events when a user interacts with it. When a user clicks a Button, for example, it dispatches a MouseEvent.CLICK event and when a user selects an item in a List, the List dispatches an Event. CHANGE event. An event can also occur when something significant happens to a component such as when content finishes loading for a UILoader instance, generating an Event.COMPLETE event. To handle an event, you write ActionScript code that executes when the event occurs.

A component’s events include the events of any class from which the component inherits. This means that all ActionScript 3.0 User Interface components inherit events from the UIComponent class because it is the base class for the ActionScript 3.0 User Interface components. To see the list of events a component broadcasts, see the Events section of the component’s class entry in the ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform .

For a complete explanation of event handling in ActionScript 3.0, see the ActionScript 3.0 Developer's Guide .

About event listeners

The following key points apply to handling events for ActionScript 3.0 components:

  • All events are broadcast by an instance of a component class. The component instance is the broadcaster .

  • You register an event listener by calling the addEventListener() method for the component instance. For example, the following line of code adds a listener for the MouseEvent.CLICK event to the Button instance aButton :

    aButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);

    The second parameter of the addEventListener() method registers the name of the function, clickHandler , to be called when the event occurs. This function is also referred to as a callback function .

  • You can register multiple listeners to one component instance.

    aButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler1); 
    aButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler2);
  • You can register one listener to multiple component instances.

    aButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler1); 
    bButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler1);
  • The event handler function is passed to an event object that contains information about the event type and the instance that broadcast the event. For more information, see About the event object .

  • The listener remains active until the application terminates or you explicitly remove it using the removeEventListener() method. For example, the following line of code removes the listener for the MouseEvent.CLICK event on aButton :

    aButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);

About the event object

The event object inherits from the Event object class and has properties that contain information about the event that occurred, including the target and type properties, which provide essential information about the event:




A string indicating the type of the event.


A reference to the component instance broadcasting the event.

When an event has additional properties, they are listed in the event’s class description in the ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform .

The event object is automatically generated and passed to the event handler function when an event occurs.

You can use the event object inside the function to access the name of the event that was broadcast or the instance name of the component that broadcast the event. From the instance name, you can access other component properties. For example, the following code uses the target property of the evtObj event object to access the label property of aButton and display it in the Output panel:

import fl.controls.Button; 
import flash.events.MouseEvent; 
var aButton:Button = new Button(); 
aButton.label = "Submit"; 
aButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler); 
function clickHandler(evtObj:MouseEvent){ 
trace("The " + evtObj.target.label + " button was clicked"); 

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