Debug component applications

The ActionScript 3.0 components contain all their source code to reduce compilation time when you compile your application. The Flash debugger, however, cannot inspect code inside compiled clips. Therefore, if you want to debug your application down into the components' source code, you must add the component source files to your Classpath setting.

The location of the component package folders is relative to the location of the source files for the component type. To reference all of the ActionScript 3.0 source files for all UI components, add the following location to your Classpath for the User Interface packages:
  • $(AppConfig)/Component Source/ActionScript 3.0/User Interface

Note: This will override the compiled-in code for all UI components and increase compilation time for your application. If you have changed a component’s source file for any reason, that component might exhibit different behavior as a result.

To set the Classpath, select Preferences from the Edit menu and then select ActionScript from the Category list and click the ActionScript 3.0 Settings button. To add a new entry, click the plus above the window that displays the current settings.

The $(AppConfig) variable refers to the Flash CS5 Configuration folder in the location where you installed Flash CS5. Typically, the path looks like this:
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS5\language\Configuration\

  • Mac OS X: Macintosh HD:Applications:Adobe Flash CS5:Configuration

Note: If you must change a component source file, Adobe strongly recommends that you copy the original source file to a different location and add that location to your Classpath.

For more information about the location of component source files, see Where component source files are stored .

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