UIScrollBar component allows you to add a scroll bar to a text field.
You can add a scroll bar to a text field while authoring, or at
run time with ActionScript. To use the UIScrollBar component, create
a text field on the Stage and drag the UIScrollBar component from
the Components panel to any quadrant of the text field’s bounding
If the length of the scroll bar is smaller than the combined
size of its scroll arrows, it does not display correctly. One of
the arrow buttons becomes hidden behind the other. Flash does not
provide error checking for this. In this case it is a good idea
to hide the scroll bar with ActionScript. If the scroll bar is sized
so that there is not enough room for the scroll box (thumb), Flash
makes the scroll box invisible.
The UIScrollBar component functions like any other scroll bar.
It contains arrow buttons at either end and a scroll track and scroll
box (thumb) in between. It can be attached to any edge of a text
field and used both vertically and horizontally.
For information on the TextField, see the TextField class in
ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe
Flash Platform
User interaction with the UIScrollBar component
many other components, the UIScrollBar component can receive continuous
mouse input, such as when the user holds the mouse button down, rather
than requiring repeated clicks.
There is no keyboard interaction with the UIScrollBar component.
UIScrollBar component parameters
You can set the following authoring
parameters in the Property inspector or in the Component inspector
for each UIScrollBar component instance:
Each of these parameters has a corresponding ActionScript property
of the same name.
You can write ActionScript to set additional options for UIScrollBar
instances using class methods, properties, and events. For more
information, see the UIScrollBar class in the
ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe
Flash Platform
Create an application with the UIScrollBar component
following procedure describes how to add a UIScrollBar component
to an application while authoring.
Create a new Flash (ActionScript 3.0) document.
Create a dynamic text field that is tall enough to hold one
or two lines of text and give it an instance name
the Property inspector.
In the Property inspector, set the Line Type of the text
input field to Multiline or to Multiline No Wrap if you plan to
use the scroll bar horizontally.
Open the Actions panel, select Frame 1 in the main Timeline,
and enter the following ActionScript code to fill the
so that a user will need to scroll it to view it all:
myText.text="When the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planet and love will rule the stars."
Make sure that the text field on the Stage is
small enough that you need to scroll it to see all the text. If
it isn’t, the scroll bar does not appear or may appear simply as
two lines with no thumb grip (the part you drag to scroll the content).
Verify that object snapping is turned on (View >
Snapping > Snap To Objects).
Drag a UIScrollBar instance from the Components panel onto
the text input field near the side you want to attach it to. The
component must overlap with the text field when you release the
mouse in order for it to be properly bound to the field. Give it
an instance name of
of the component is automatically populated with the text field
instance name in the Property and Component inspectors. If it does
not appear on the Parameters tab, you may not have overlapped the
UIScrollBar instance enough.
Select Control > Test Movie.
Create a UIScrollBar component instance using ActionScript
You can create
a UIScrollBar instance with ActionScript and associate it with a
text field at run time. The following example creates a horizontally
oriented UIScrollBar instance and attaches it to the bottom of a
text field instance named
, which is loaded with text
from a URL. The example also sets the size of the scroll bar to
match the size of the text field:
Create a new Flash (ActionScript 3.0) document.
Drag the ScrollBar component to the Library panel.
Open the Actions panel, select Frame 1 of the main Timeline,
and enter the following ActionScript code:
import fl.controls.UIScrollBar;
var myTxt:TextField = new TextField();
myTxt.border = true;
myTxt.width = 200;
myTxt.height = 16;
myTxt.x = 200;
myTxt.y = 150;
var mySb:UIScrollBar = new UIScrollBar();
mySb.direction = "horizontal";
// Size it to match the text field.
mySb.setSize(myTxt.width, myTxt.height);
// Move it immediately below the text field.
mySb.move(myTxt.x, myTxt.height + myTxt.y);
// put them on the Stage
// load text
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadcomplete);
function loadcomplete(event:Event) {
// move loaded text to text field
myTxt.text =;
// Set myTxt as target for scroll bar.
mySb.scrollTarget = myTxt;
Select Control > Test Movie.