About UI component customization

You can customize the appearance of components in your applications by modifying one or both of the following elements:

Each component has a set of styles that you can set to specify what values Flash uses to render the component’s appearance. Styles generally specify skins and icons to use for a component in its different states and also what text formatting and padding values to use.

A skin consists of the collection of symbols that make up the component’s graphical appearance in a given state. While a style specifies what skin to use, a skin is a graphical element that Flash uses to draw the component. Skinning is the process of changing a component’s appearance by modifying or replacing its graphics.
Note: The default appearance of ActionScript 3.0 components could be considered a theme (Aeon Halo), but these skins are built into the components. The ActionScript 3.0 components do not support the external theme files that ActionScript 2.0 components did.

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