Select a predesigned skin

You can select a skin for the FLVPlayback component by clicking the value cell for the skin parameter in the Component inspector. Then click the magnifying glass icon to open the following Select Skin dialog box, in which you can select a skin or provide a URL that specifies the location of the skin SWF file.

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FLVPlayback Select Skin dialog box

Skins that are listed in the Skin pop-up menu are located in the Flash application folder /Flash Configuration/FLVPlayback Skins/ActionScript 3.0. You can make new skins available to this dialog box by creating them and placing the SWF file in the folder. The name appears in the pop-up menu with a .swf extension. For more information about creating a skin set, see Create a new skin .

For skins that you assign by setting the skin property, either by setting the skin parameter during authoring or with ActionScript at run time, you can assign color and alpha (transparency) values independent of choosing the skin. To assign color and alpha values during authoring, open the Color picker in the Skin Select dialog box, as shown here.

Color picker in the Skin Select dialog box
Color picker in the Skin Select dialog box

To choose the color, click a swatch in the panel or enter its numeric value in the text box. To choose the alpha value, use the slider or type a percentage in the Alpha text box.

To assign color and alpha values during run time, set the skinBackgroundColor and skinBackgroundAlpha properties. Set the skinBackgroundColor property to a 0xRRGGBB (red, green, blue) value. Set the skinBackgroundAlpha property to a number between 0.0 and 1.0. The following example sets skinBackgroundColor to 0xFF0000 (red) and skinBackgroundAlpha to .5.

my_FLVPlybk.skinBackgroundColor = 0xFF0000; 
my_FLVPlybk.skinBackgroundAlpha = .5;

The default values are the last values chosen by the user.

If you want to skin the FLVPlayback component using the FLV Playback Custom UI components, select None from the pop-up menu.

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