Using encryption with SQL databases

Adobe AIR 1.5 and later

All Adobe AIR applications share the same local database engine. Consequently, any AIR application can connect to, read from, and write to an unencrypted database file. Starting with Adobe AIR 1.5, AIR includes the capability of creating and connecting to encrypted database files. When you use an encrypted database, in order to connect to the database an application must provide the correct encryption key. If the incorrect encryption key (or no key) is provided, the application is not able to connect to the database. Consequently, the application can’t read data from the database or write to or change data in the database.

To use an encrypted database, you must create the database as an encrypted database. With an existing encrypted database, you can open a connection to the database. You can also change the encryption key of an encrypted database. Other than creating and connecting to encrypted databases, the techniques for working with an encrypted database are the same as for working with an unencrypted one. In particular, executing SQL statements is the same regardless of whether a database is encrypted or not.

Uses for an encrypted database

Encryption is useful any time you want to restrict access to the information stored in a database. The database encryption functionality of Adobe AIR can be used for several purposes. The following are some examples of cases where you would want to use an encrypted database:

  • A read-only cache of private application data downloaded from a server

  • A local application store for private data that is synchronized with a server (data is sent to and loaded from the server)

  • Encrypted files used as the file format for documents created and edited by the application. The files could be private to one user, or could be designed to be shared among all users of the application.

  • Any other use of a local data store, such as the ones described in Uses for local SQL databases , where the data must be kept private from people who have access to the machine or the database files.

Understanding the reason why you want to use an encrypted database helps you decide how to architect your application. In particular, it can affect how your application creates, obtains, and stores the encryption key for the database. For more information about these considerations, see Considerations for using encryption with a database .

Other than an encrypted database, an alternative mechanism for keeping sensitive data private is the encrypted local store . With the encrypted local store, you store a single ByteArray value using a String key. Only the AIR application that stores the value can access it, and only on the computer on which it is stored. With the encrypted local store, it isn’t necessary to create your own encryption key. For these reasons, the encrypted local store is most suitable for easily storing a single value or set of values that can easily be encoded in a ByteArray. An encrypted database is most suitable for larger data sets where structured data storage and querying are desirable. For more information about using the encrypted local store, see Encrypted local storage .

Creating an encrypted database

To use an encrypted database, the database file must be encrypted when it is created. Once a database is created as unencrypted, it can’t be encrypted later. Likewise, an encrypted database can’t be unencrypted later. If needed you can change the encryption key of an encrypted database. For details, see Changing the encryption key of a database . If you have an existing database that’s not encrypted and you want to use database encryption, you can create a new encrypted database and copy the existing table structure and data to the new database.

Creating an encrypted database is nearly identical to creating an unencrypted database, as described in Creating a database . You first create a SQLConnection instance that represents the connection to the database. You create the database by calling the SQLConnection object’s open() method or openAsync() method, specifying for the database location a file that doesn’t exist yet. The only difference when creating an encrypted database is that you provide a value for the encryptionKey parameter (the open() method’s fifth parameter and the openAsync() method’s sixth parameter).

A valid encryptionKey parameter value is a ByteArray object containing exactly 16 bytes.

The following examples demonstrate creating an encrypted database. For simplicity, in these examples the encryption key is hard-coded in the application code. However, this technique is strongly discouraged because it is not secure.

var conn = new air.SQLConnection(); 
var encryptionKey = new air.ByteArray(); 
encryptionKey.writeUTFBytes("Some16ByteString"); // This technique is not secure! 
// Create an encrypted database in asynchronous mode 
conn.openAsync(dbFile, air.SQLMode.CREATE, null, false, 1024, encryptionKey); 
// Create an encrypted database in synchronous mode, air.SQLMode.CREATE, false, 1024, encryptionKey);

For an example demonstrating a recommended way to generate an encryption key, see Example: Generating and using an encryption key .

Connecting to an encrypted database

Like creating an encrypted database, the procedure for opening a connection to an encrypted database is like connecting to an unencrypted database. That procedure is described in greater detail in Connecting to a database . You use the open() method to open a connection in synchronous execution mode , or the openAsync() method to open a connection in asynchronous execution mode . The only difference is that to open an encrypted database, you specify the correct value for the encryptionKey parameter (the open() method’s fifth parameter and the openAsync() method’s sixth parameter).

If the encryption key that’s provided is not correct, an error occurs. For the open() method, a SQLError exception is thrown. For the openAsync() method, the SQLConnection object dispatches a SQLErrorEvent , whose error property contains a SQLError object. In either case, the SQLError object generated by the exception has the errorID property value 3138. That error ID corresponds to the error message “File opened is not a database file.”

The following example demonstrates opening an encrypted database in asynchronous execution mode. For simplicity, in this example the encryption key is hard-coded in the application code. However, this technique is strongly discouraged because it is not secure.

// Include AIRAliases.js to use air.* shortcuts 
var conn = new air.SQLConnection(); 
conn.addEventListener(air.SQLEvent.OPEN, openHandler); 
conn.addEventListener(air.SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, errorHandler); 
var dbFile = air.File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("DBSample.db"); 
var encryptionKey = new air.ByteArray(); 
encryptionKey.writeUTFBytes("Some16ByteString"); // This technique is not secure! 
conn.openAsync(dbFile, air.SQLMode.UPDATE, null, false, 1024, encryptionKey); 
function openHandler(event) 
    air.trace("the database opened successfully"); 
function errorHandler(event) 
    if (event.error.errorID == 3138) 
        air.trace("Incorrect encryption key"); 
        air.trace("Error message:", event.error.message); 
        air.trace("Details:", event.error.details); 

The following example demonstrates opening an encrypted database in synchronous execution mode. For simplicity, in this example the encryption key is hard-coded in the application code. However, this technique is strongly discouraged because it is not secure.

// Include AIRAliases.js to use air.* shortcuts 
var conn = new air.SQLConnection(); 
var dbFile = air.File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("DBSample.db"); 
var encryptionKey = new air.ByteArray(); 
encryptionKey.writeUTFBytes("Some16ByteString"); // This technique is not secure! 
{, air.SQLMode.UPDATE, false, 1024, encryptionKey); 
    air.trace("the database was created successfully"); 
catch (error) 
    if (error.errorID == 3138) 
        air.trace("Incorrect encryption key"); 
        air.trace("Error message:", error.message); 
        air.trace("Details:", error.details); 

For an example demonstrating a recommended way to generate an encryption key, see Example: Generating and using an encryption key .

Changing the encryption key of a database

When a database is encrypted, you can change the encryption key for the database at a later time. To change a database’s encryption key, first open a connection to the database by creating a SQLConnection instance and calling its open() or openAsync() method. Once the database is connected, call the reencrypt() method, passing the new encryption key as an argument.

Like most database operations, the reencrypt() method’s behavior varies depending on whether the database connection uses synchronous or asynchronous execution mode. If you use the open() method to connect to the database, the reencrypt() operation runs synchronously. When the operation finishes, execution continues with the next line of code:

var newKey = new air.ByteArray(); 
// ... generate the new key and store it in newKey 

On the other hand, if the database connection is opened using the openAsync() method, the reencrypt() operation is asynchronous. Calling reencrypt() begins the reencryption process. When the operation completes, the SQLConnection object dispatches a reencrypt event. You use an event listener to determine when the reencryption finishes:

var newKey = new air.ByteArray(); 
// ... generate the new key and store it in newKey 
conn.addEventListener(air.SQLEvent.REENCRYPT, reencryptHandler); 
function reencryptHandler(event) 
    // save the fact that the key changed 

The reencrypt() operation runs in its own transaction. If the operation is interrupted or fails (for example, if the application is closed before the operation finishes) the transaction is rolled back. In that case, the original encryption key is still the encryption key for the database.

The reencrypt() method can’t be used to remove encryption from a database. Passing a null value or encryption key that’s not a 16-byte ByteArray to the reencrypt() method results in an error.

Considerations for using encryption with a database

The section Uses for an encrypted database presents several cases in which you would want to use an encrypted database. It’s obvious that the usage scenarios of different applications (including these and other scenarios) have different privacy requirements. The way you architect the use of encryption in your application plays an important part in controlling how private a database’s data is. For example, if you are using an encrypted database to keep personal data private, even from other users of the same machine, then each user’s database needs its own encryption key. For the greatest security, your application can generate the key from a user-entered password. Basing the encryption key on a password ensures that even if another person is able to impersonate the user’s account on the machine, the data still can’t be accessed. On the other end of the privacy spectrum, suppose you want a database file to be readable by any user of your application but not to other applications. In that case every installed copy of the application needs access to a shared encryption key.

You can design your application, and in particular the technique used to generate the encryption key, according to the level of privacy that you want for your application data. The following list provides design suggestions for various levels of data privacy:

  • To make a database accessible to any user who has access to the application on any machine, use a single key that’s available to all instances of the application. For example, the first time an application runs it can download the shared encryption key from a server using a secure protocol such as SSL. It can then save the key in the encrypted local store for future use. As an alternative, encrypt the data per-user on the machine, and synchronize the data with a remote data store such as a server to make the data portable.

  • To make a database accessible to a single user on any machine, generate the encryption key from a user secret (such as a password). In particular, do not use any value that’s tied to a particular computer (such as a value stored in the encrypted local store) to generate the key. As an alternative, encrypt the data per-user on the machine, and synchronize the data with a remote data store such as a server to make the data portable.

  • To make a database accessible only to a single individual on a single machine, generate the key from a password and a generated salt. For an example of this technique, see Example: Generating and using an encryption key .

The following are additional security considerations that are important to keep in mind when designing an application to use an encrypted database:

  • A system is only as secure as its weakest link. If you are using a user-entered password to generate an encryption key, consider imposing minimum length and complexity restrictions on passwords. A short password that uses only basic characters can be guessed quickly.

  • The source code of an AIR application is stored on a user’s machine in plain text (for HTML content) or an easily decompilable binary format (for SWF content). Because the source code is accessible, two points to remember are:

    • Never hard-code an encryption key in your source code

    • Always assume that the technique used to generate an encryption key (such as random character generator or a particular hashing algorithm) can be easily worked out by an attacker

  • AIR database encryption uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM) mode. This encryption cipher requires a user-entered key to be combined with a salt value to be secure. For an example of this, see Example: Generating and using an encryption key .

  • When you elect to encrypt a database, all disk files used by the database engine in conjunction with that database are encrypted. However, the database engine holds some data temporarily in an in-memory cache to improve read- and write-time performance in transactions. Any memory-resident data is unencrypted. If an attacker is able to access the memory used by an AIR application, for example by using a debugger, the data in a database that is currently open and unencrypted would be available.

Example: Generating and using an encryption key

This example application demonstrates one technique for generating an encryption key. This application is designed to provide the highest level of privacy and security for users’ data. One important aspect of securing private data is to require the user to enter a password each time the application connects to the database. Consequently, as shown in this example, an application that requires this level of privacy should never directly store the database encryption key.

The application consists of two parts: an ActionScript class that generates an encryption key (the EncryptionKeyGenerator class), and a basic user interface that demonstrates how to use that class. For the complete source code, see Complete example code for generating and using an encryption key .

Using the EncryptionKeyGenerator class to obtain a secure encryption key

It isn’t necessary to understand the details of how the EncryptionKeyGenerator class works to use it in your application. If you are interested in the details of how the class generates an encryption key for a database, see Understanding the EncryptionKeyGenerator class .

Follow these steps to use the EncryptionKeyGenerator class in your application:

  1. Download the EncryptionKeyGenerator library. The EncryptionKeyGenerator class is included in the open-source ActionScript 3.0 core library (as3corelib) project. You can download the as3corelib package including source code and documentation . You can also download the SWC or source code files from the project page.

  2. Extract the SWF file from the SWC. To extract the SWF file, rename the SWC file with the “.zip” filename extension and open the ZIP file. Extract the SWF file from the ZIP file and place it in a location where your application source code can find it. For example, you could place it in the folder containing your application’s main HTML file. You can rename the SWF file if you desire. In this example, the SWF file is named “EncryptionKeyGenerator.swf.”

  3. In your application source code, import the SWF code library by adding a <script> block linking to the SWF file. This technique is explained in Using ActionScript libraries within an HTML page . The following code makes the SWF file available as a code library:

    <script type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="EncryptionKeyGenerator.swf"/>

    By default the class is available using the code window.runtime followed by the full package and class name. For the EncryptionKeyGenerator, the full name is:

    You can create an alias for the class to avoid having to type the full name. The following code creates the alias ekg.EncryptionKeyGenerator to represent the EncryptionKeyGenerator class:

    var ekg; 
    if (window.runtime) 
        if (!ekg) ekg = {}; 
        ekg.EncryptionKeyGenerator =; 
  4. Before the point where the code creates the database or opens a connection to it, add code to create an EncryptionKeyGenerator instance by calling the EncryptionKeyGenerator() constructor.

    var keyGenerator = new ekg.EncryptionKeyGenerator();
  5. Obtain a password from the user:

    var password = passwordInput.value; 
    if (!keyGenerator.validateStrongPassword(password)) 
        // display an error message 

    The EncryptionKeyGenerator instance uses this password as the basis for the encryption key (shown in the next step). The EncryptionKeyGenerator instance tests the password against certain strong password validation requirements. If the validation fails, an error occurs. As the example code shows, you can check the password ahead of time by calling the EncryptionKeyGenerator object’s validateStrongPassword() method. That way you can determine whether the password meets the minimum requirements for a strong password and avoid an error.

  6. Generate the encryption key from the password:

    var encryptionKey = keyGenerator.getEncryptionKey(password);

    The getEncryptionKey() method generates and returns the encryption key (a 16-byte ByteArray). You can then use the encryption key to create your new encrypted database or open your existing one.

    The getEncryptionKey() method has one required parameter, which is the password obtained in step 5.

    Note: To maintain the highest level of security and privacy for data, an application must require the user to enter a password each time the application connects to the database. Do not store the user’s password or the database encryption key directly. Doing so exposes security risks. Instead, as demonstrated in this example, an application should use the same technique to derive the encryption key from the password both when creating the encrypted database and when connecting to it later.

    The getEncryptionKey() method also accepts a second (optional) parameter, the overrideSaltELSKey parameter. The EncryptionKeyGenerator creates a random value (known as a salt ) that is used as part of the encryption key. In order to be able to re-create the encryption key, the salt value is stored in the Encrypted Local Store (ELS) of your AIR application. By default, the EncryptionKeyGenerator class uses a particular String as the ELS key. Although unlikely, it’s possible that the key can conflict with another key your application uses. Instead of using the default key, you might want to specify your own ELS key. In that case, specify a custom key by passing it as the second getEncryptionKey() parameter, as shown here:

    var customKey = "My custom ELS salt key"; 
    var encryptionKey = keyGenerator.getEncryptionKey(password, customKey);
  7. Create or open the database

    With an encryption key returned by the getEncryptionKey() method, your code can create a new encrypted database or attempt to open the existing encrypted database. In either case you use the SQLConnection class’s open() or openAsync() method, as described in Creating an encrypted database and Connecting to an encrypted database .

    In this example, the application is designed to open the database in asynchronous execution mode. The code sets up the appropriate event listeners and calls the openAsync() method, passing the encryption key as the final argument:

    conn.addEventListener(air.SQLEvent.OPEN, openHandler); 
    conn.addEventListener(air.SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, openError); 
    conn.openAsync(dbFile, air.SQLMode.CREATE, null, false, 1024, encryptionKey);

    In the listener methods, the code removes the event listener registrations. It then displays a status message indicating whether the database was created, opened, or whether an error occurred. The most noteworthy part of these event handlers is in the openError() method. In that method an if statement checks if the database exists (meaning that the code is attempting to connect to an existing database) and if the error ID matches the constant EncryptionKeyGenerator.ENCRYPTED_DB_PASSWORD_ERROR_ID . If both of these conditions are true, it probably means that the password the user entered is incorrect. (It could also mean that the specified file isn’t a database file at all.) The following is the code that checks the error ID:

    if (!createNewDB && event.error.errorID == ekg.EncryptionKeyGenerator.ENCRYPTED_DB_PASSWORD_ERROR_ID) 
        statusMsg.innerHTML = "<p class='error'>Incorrect password!</p>"; 
        statusMsg.innerHTML = "<p class='error'>Error creating or opening database.</p>"; 

    For the complete code for the example event listeners, see Complete example code for generating and using an encryption key .

Complete example code for generating and using an encryption key

The following is the complete code for the example application “Generating and using an encryption key.” The code consists of two parts.

The example uses the EncryptionKeyGenerator class to create an encryption key from a password. The EncryptionKeyGenerator class is included in the open-source ActionScript 3.0 core library (as3corelib) project. You can download the as3corelib package including source code and documentation . You can also download the SWC or source code files from the project page.

Flex example

The application MXML file contains the source code for a simple application that creates or opens a connection to an encrypted database:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical" creationComplete="init();"> 
            import com.adobe.air.crypto.EncryptionKeyGenerator; 
            private const dbFileName:String = "encryptedDatabase.db"; 
            private var dbFile:File; 
            private var createNewDB:Boolean = true; 
            private var conn:SQLConnection; 
            // ------- Event handling ------- 
            private function init():void 
                conn = new SQLConnection(); 
                dbFile = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath(dbFileName); 
                if (dbFile.exists) 
                    createNewDB = false; 
                    instructions.text = "Enter your database password to open the encrypted database."; 
                    openButton.label = "Open Database"; 
            private function openConnection():void 
                var password:String = passwordInput.text; 
                var keyGenerator:EncryptionKeyGenerator = new EncryptionKeyGenerator(); 
                if (password == null || password.length <= 0) 
                    statusMsg.text = "Please specify a password."; 
                if (!keyGenerator.validateStrongPassword(password)) 
                    statusMsg.text = "The password must be 8-32 characters long. It must contain at least one lowercase letter, at least one uppercase letter, and at least one number or symbol."; 
                passwordInput.text = ""; 
                passwordInput.enabled = false; 
                openButton.enabled = false; 
                var encryptionKey:ByteArray = keyGenerator.getEncryptionKey(password); 
                conn.addEventListener(SQLEvent.OPEN, openHandler); 
                conn.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, openError); 
                conn.openAsync(dbFile, SQLMode.CREATE, null, false, 1024, encryptionKey); 
            private function openHandler(event:SQLEvent):void 
                conn.removeEventListener(SQLEvent.OPEN, openHandler); 
                conn.removeEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, openError); 
                statusMsg.setStyle("color", 0x009900); 
                if (createNewDB) 
                    statusMsg.text = "The encrypted database was created successfully."; 
                    statusMsg.text = "The encrypted database was opened successfully."; 
            private function openError(event:SQLErrorEvent):void 
                conn.removeEventListener(SQLEvent.OPEN, openHandler); 
                conn.removeEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, openError); 
                if (!createNewDB && event.error.errorID == EncryptionKeyGenerator.ENCRYPTED_DB_PASSWORD_ERROR_ID) 
                    statusMsg.text = "Incorrect password!"; 
                    statusMsg.text = "Error creating or opening database."; 
    <mx:Text id="instructions" text="Enter a password to create an encrypted database. The next time you open the application, you will need to re-enter the password to open the database again." width="75%" height="65"/> 
        <mx:TextInput id="passwordInput" displayAsPassword="true"/> 
        <mx:Button id="openButton" label="Create Database" click="openConnection();"/> 
    <mx:Text id="statusMsg" color="#990000" width="75%"/> 

Flash Professional example

The application FLA file contains the source code for a simple application that creates or opens a connection to an encrypted database. The FLA file has four components placed on the stage:

Instance name

Component type




Contains the instructions given to the user



Input field where the user enters the password



Button the user clicks after entering the password



Displays status (success or failure) messages

The code for the application is defined on a keyframe on frame 1 of the main timeline. The following is the code for the application:

import com.adobe.air.crypto.EncryptionKeyGenerator; 
const dbFileName:String = "encryptedDatabase.db"; 
var dbFile:File; 
var createNewDB:Boolean = true; 
var conn:SQLConnection; 
// ------- Event handling ------- 
function init():void 
    passwordInput.displayAsPassword = true; 
    openButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, openConnection); 
    statusMsg.setStyle("textFormat", new TextFormat(null, null, 0x990000)); 
    conn = new SQLConnection(); 
    dbFile = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath(dbFileName); 
    if (dbFile.exists) 
        createNewDB = false; 
        instructions.text = "Enter your database password to open the encrypted database."; 
        openButton.label = "Open Database"; 
        instructions.text = "Enter a password to create an encrypted database. The next time you open the application, you will need to re-enter the password to open the database again."; 
        openButton.label = "Create Database"; 
function openConnection(event:MouseEvent):void 
    var keyGenerator:EncryptionKeyGenerator = new EncryptionKeyGenerator(); 
    var password:String = passwordInput.text; 
    if (password == null || password.length <= 0) 
        statusMsg.text = "Please specify a password."; 
    if (!keyGenerator.validateStrongPassword(password)) 
        statusMsg.text = "The password must be 8-32 characters long. It must contain at least one lowercase letter, at least one uppercase letter, and at least one number or symbol."; 
    passwordInput.text = ""; 
    passwordInput.enabled = false; 
    openButton.enabled = false; 
    var encryptionKey:ByteArray = keyGenerator.getEncryptionKey(password); 
    conn.addEventListener(SQLEvent.OPEN, openHandler); 
    conn.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, openError); 
    conn.openAsync(dbFile, SQLMode.CREATE, null, false, 1024, encryptionKey); 
function openHandler(event:SQLEvent):void 
    conn.removeEventListener(SQLEvent.OPEN, openHandler); 
    conn.removeEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, openError); 
    statusMsg.setStyle("textFormat", new TextFormat(null, null, 0x009900)); 
    if (createNewDB) 
        statusMsg.text = "The encrypted database was created successfully."; 
        statusMsg.text = "The encrypted database was opened successfully."; 
function openError(event:SQLErrorEvent):void 
    conn.removeEventListener(SQLEvent.OPEN, openHandler); 
    conn.removeEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, openError); 
    if (!createNewDB && event.error.errorID == EncryptionKeyGenerator.ENCRYPTED_DB_PASSWORD_ERROR_ID) 
        statusMsg.text = "Incorrect password!"; 
        statusMsg.text = "Error creating or opening database."; 

The application HTML file contains the source code for a simple application that creates or opens a connection to an encrypted database:

        <title>Encrypted Database Example (HTML)</title> 
        <style type="text/css"> 
                padding-top: 25px; 
                font-family: Verdana, Arial; 
                font-size: 14px; 
                width: 85%; 
                margin-left: auto; 
                margin-right: auto; 
            .error {color: #990000} 
            .success {color: #009900} 
        <script type="text/javascript" src="AIRAliases.js"></script> 
        <script type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="EncryptionKeyGenerator.swf"/> 
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
            // set up the class shortcut 
            var ekg; 
            if (window.runtime) 
                if (!ekg) ekg = {}; 
                ekg.EncryptionKeyGenerator =; 
            // app globals 
            var dbFileName = "encryptedDatabase.db"; 
            var dbFile; 
            var createNewDB = true; 
            var conn; 
            // UI elements 
            var instructions; 
            var passwordInput; 
            var openButton; 
            var statusMsg; 
            function init() 
                // UI elements 
                instructions = document.getElementById("instructions"); 
                passwordInput = document.getElementById("passwordInput"); 
                openButton = document.getElementById("openButton"); 
                statusMsg = document.getElementById("statusMsg"); 
                conn = new air.SQLConnection(); 
                dbFile = air.File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath(dbFileName); 
                if (dbFile.exists) 
                    createNewDB = false; 
                    instructions.innerHTML = "<p>Enter your database password to open the encrypted database.</p>"; 
                    openButton.value = "Open Database"; 
            function openConnection() 
                var keyGenerator = new ekg.EncryptionKeyGenerator(); 
                var password = passwordInput.value; 
                if (password == null || password.length <= 0) 
                    statusMsg.innerHTML = "<p class='error'>Please specify a password.</p>"; 
                if (!keyGenerator.validateStrongPassword(password)) 
                    statusMsg.innerHTML = "<p class='error'>The password must be 8-32 characters long. It must contain at least one lowercase letter, at least one uppercase letter, and at least one number or symbol.</p>"; 
                passwordInput.value = ""; 
                passwordInput.disabled = true; 
                openButton.disabled = true; 
                statusMsg.innerHTML = ""; 
                var encryptionKey = keyGenerator.getEncryptionKey(password); 
                conn.addEventListener(air.SQLEvent.OPEN, openHandler); 
                conn.addEventListener(air.SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, openError); 
                conn.openAsync(dbFile, air.SQLMode.CREATE, null, false, 1024, encryptionKey); 
            function openHandler(event) 
                conn.removeEventListener(air.SQLEvent.OPEN, openHandler); 
                conn.removeEventListener(air.SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, openError); 
                if (createNewDB) 
                    statusMsg.innerHTML = "<p class='success'>The encrypted database was created successfully.</p>"; 
                    statusMsg.innerHTML = "<p class='success'>The encrypted database was opened successfully.</p>"; 
            function openError(event) 
                conn.removeEventListener(air.SQLEvent.OPEN, openHandler); 
                conn.removeEventListener(air.SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, openError); 
                if (!createNewDB && event.error.errorID == ekg.EncryptionKeyGenerator.ENCRYPTED_DB_PASSWORD_ERROR_ID) 
                    statusMsg.innerHTML = "<p class='error'>Incorrect password!</p>"; 
                    statusMsg.innerHTML = "<p class='error'>Error creating or opening database.</p>"; 
    <body onload="init();"> 
        <div id="instructions"><p>Enter a password to create an encrypted database. The next time you open the application, you will need to re-enter the password to open the database again.</p></div> 
        <div><input id="passwordInput" type="password"/><input id="openButton" type="button" value="Create Database" onclick="openConnection();"/></div> 
        <div id="statusMsg"></div> 

Understanding the EncryptionKeyGenerator class

It isn’t necessary to understand the inner workings of the EncryptionKeyGenerator class to use it to create a secure encryption key for your application database. The process for using the class is explained in Using the EncryptionKeyGenerator class to obtain a secure encryption key . However, you might find it valuable to understand the techniques that the class uses. For example, you might want to adapt the class or incorporate some of its techniques for situations where a different level of data privacy is desired.

The EncryptionKeyGenerator class is included in the open-source ActionScript 3.0 core library (as3corelib) project. You can download the as3corelib package including source code and documentation .You can also view the source code on the project site or download it to follow along with the explanations.

When code creates an EncryptionKeyGenerator instance and calls its getEncryptionKey() method, several steps are taken to ensure that only the rightful user can access the data. The process is the same to generate an encryption key from a user-entered password before the database is created as well as to re-create the encryption key to open the database.

Obtain and validate a strong password

When code calls the getEncryptionKey() method, it passes in a password as a parameter. The password is used as the basis for the encryption key. By using a piece of information that only the user knows, this design ensures that only the user who knows the password can access the data in the database. Even if an attacker accesses the user’s account on the computer, the attacker can’t get into the database without knowing the password. For maximum security, the application never stores the password.

An application’s code creates an EncryptionKeyGenerator instance and calls its getEncryptionKey() method, passing a user-entered password as an argument (the variable password in this example):

var keyGenerator = new ekg.EncryptionKeyGenerator(); 
var encryptionKey = keyGenerator.getEncryptionKey(password);

The first step the EncryptionKeyGenerator class takes when the getEncryptionKey() method is called is to check the user-entered password to ensure that it meets the password strength requirements. The EncryptionKeyGenerator class requires a password to be 8 - 32 characters long. The password must contain a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters and at least one number or symbol character.

Internally the getEncryptionKey() method calls the EncryptionKeyGenerator class’s validateStrongPassword() method and, if the password isn’t valid, throws an exception. The validateStrongPassword() method is a public method so that application code can check a password without calling the getEncryptionKey() method to avoid causing an error.

Expand the password to 256 bits

Later in the process, the password is required to be 256 bits long. Rather than require each user to enter a password that’s exactly 256 bits (32 characters) long, the code creates a longer password by repeating the password characters.

The following is the code for the concatenatePassword() method:

If the password is less than 256 bits, the code concatenates the password with itself to make it 256 bits. If the length doesn’t work out exactly, the last repetition is shortened to get exactly 256 bits.

Generate or retrieve a 256-bit salt value

The next step is to get a 256-bit salt value that in a later step is combined with the password. A salt is a random value that is added to or combined with a user-entered value to form a password. Using a salt with a password ensures that even if a user chooses a real word or common term as a password, the password-plus-salt combination that the system uses is a random value. This randomness helps guard against a dictionary attack, where an attacker uses a list of words to attempt to guess a password. In addition, by generating the salt value and storing it in the encrypted local store, it is tied to the user’s account on the machine on which the database file is located.

If the application is calling the getEncryptionKey() method for the first time, the code creates a random 256-bit salt value. Otherwise, the code loads the salt value from the encrypted local store.

Combine the 256-bit password and salt using the XOR operator

The code now has a 256-bit password and a 256-bit salt value. It next uses a bitwise XOR operation to combine the salt and the concatenated password into a single value. In effect, this technique creates a 256-bit password consisting of characters from the entire range of possible characters. This principle is true even though most likely the actual password input consists of primarily alphanumeric characters. This increased randomness provides the benefit of making the set of possible passwords large without requiring the user to enter a long complex password.

Hash the key

Once the concatenated password and the salt have been combined, the next step is to further secure this value by hashing it using the SHA-256 hashing algorithm. Hashing the value makes it more difficult for an attacker to reverse-engineer it.

Extract the encryption key from the hash

The encryption key must be a ByteArray that is exactly 16 bytes (128 bits) long. The result of the SHA-256 hashing algorithm is always 256 bits long. Consequently, the final step is to select 128 bits from the hashed result to use as the actual encryption key.

It isn’t necessary to use the first 128 bits as the encryption key. You could select a range of bits starting at some arbitrary point, you could select every other bit, or use some other way of selecting bits. The important thing is that the code selects 128 distinct bits, and that the same 128 bits are used each time.

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