Loading content

Flash Player 9 and later, Adobe AIR 1.0 and later

Flash Player and AIR content can load many types of other content, including the following:

  • SWF files

  • Images

  • Sound

  • Video

  • HTML files (AIR only)

  • JavaScript (AIR only)

Loading sound and videos

Any content, except content in the local-with-filesystem sandbox, is allowed to load sound and video from network origins, using the Sound.load() , NetConnection.connect() , and NetStream.play() methods.

Only content in the local-with-filesystem and AIR application sandboxes can load media from the local file system. Only content in the local-with-filesystem sandbox, the AIR application sandbox, or the local-trusted sandbox can access data in these loaded files.

There are other restrictions on accessing data from loaded media. For details, see Accessing loaded media as data .

Content delivered using RTMP servers

Flash Media Server uses the Real-Time Media Protocol (RTMP) to serve data, audio, and video. You can load this media by using the connect() method of the NetConnection class, passing an RTMP URL as the parameter. Flash Media Server can restrict connections and prevent content from downloading, based on the domain of the requesting file. For details, see the Flash Media Server documentation online at www.adobe.com/go/learn_fms_docs_en .

To use the BitmapData.draw() and SoundMixer.computeSpectrum() methods to extract run-time graphics and sound data from RTMP streams, you must allow access on the server. Use the Server-Side ActionScript Client.videoSampleAccess and Client.audioSampleAccess properties to allow access to specific directories on Flash Media Server. For more information, see the Server-Side ActionScript Language Reference .

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