Creating an HTML-based AIR application

Adobe AIR 1.0 and later

The process of developing an AIR application is much the same as that of developing an HTML-based web application. Application structure remains page-based, with HTML providing the document structure and JavaScript providing the application logic. In addition, an AIR application requires an application descriptor file, which contains metadata about the application and identifies the root file of the application.

If you are using Adobe® Dreamweaver®, you can test and package an AIR application directly from the Dreamweaver user interface. If you are using the AIR SDK, you can test an AIR application using the command-line ADL utility. ADL reads the application descriptor and launches the application. You can package the application into an AIR installation file using the command-line ADT utility.

The basic steps to creating an AIR application are:

  1. Create the application descriptor file. The content element identifies the root page of the application, which is loaded automatically when your application is launched.

  2. Create the application pages and code.

  3. Test the application using the ADL utility or Dreamweaver.

  4. Package the application into an AIR installation file with the ADT utility or Dreamweaver.

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