Scripting between content in different domains

Adobe AIR 1.0 and later

AIR applications are granted special privileges when they are installed. It is crucial that the same privileges not be leaked to other content, including remote files and local files that are not part of the application.

About the AIR sandbox bridge

Normally, content from other domains cannot call scripts in other domains.

There are still cases where the main AIR application requires content from a remote domain to have controlled access to scripts in the main AIR application, or vice versa. To accomplish this, the runtime provides a sandbox bridge mechanism, which serves as a gateway between the two sandboxes. A sandbox bridge can provide explicit interaction between remote and application security sandboxes.

The sandbox bridge exposes two objects that both loaded and loading scripts can access:

  • The parentSandboxBridge object lets loading content expose properties and functions to scripts in the loaded content.

  • The childSandboxBridge object lets loaded content expose properties and function to scripts in the loading content.

Objects exposed via the sandbox bridge are passed by value, not by reference. All data is serialized. This means that the objects exposed by one side of the bridge cannot be set by the other side, and that objects exposed are all untyped. Also, you can only expose simple objects and functions; you cannot expose complex objects.

If child content attempts to set a property of the parentSandboxBridge object, the runtime throws a SecurityError exception. Similarly, if parent content attempts to set a property of the childSandboxBridge object, the runtime throws a SecurityError exception.

Sandbox bridge example (HTML)

In HTML content, the parentSandboxBridge and childSandboxBridge properties are added to the JavaScript window object of a child document. For an example of how to set up bridge functions in HTML content, see Setting up a sandbox bridge interface .

Limiting API exposure

When exposing sandbox bridges, it's important to expose high-level APIs that limit the degree to which they can be abused. Keep in mind that the content calling your bridge implementation may be compromised (for example, via a code injection). So, for example, exposing a readFile(path) method (that reads the contents of an arbitrary file) via a bridge is vulnerable to abuse. It would be better to expose a readApplicationSetting() API that doesn't take a path and reads a specific file. The more semantic approach limits the damage that an application can do once part of it is compromised.

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