
AIR 3.0 and later

The FREResult enumeration defines return values for native extensions C API functions you call.

enum FREResult { 
    FRE_OK                         = 0, 
    FRE_NO_SUCH_NAME                        = 1, 
    FRE_INVALID_OBJECT                        = 2, 
    FRE_TYPE_MISMATCH                        = 3, 
    FRE_ACTIONSCRIPT_ERROR                        = 4, 
    FRE_INVALID_ARGUMENT                        = 5, 
    FRE_READ_ONLY                        = 6, 
    FRE_WRONG_THREAD                        = 7, 
    FRE_ILLEGAL_STATE                        = 8, 
    FRE_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY                        = 9, 
    FREResult_ENUMPADDING                         = 0xffff 

The enumeration values have the following meanings:

The function succeeded.

An ActionScript error occurred, and an exception was thrown. The C API functions that can result in this error allow you to specify an FREObject to receive information about the exception.

A call was made to a native extensions C API function when the extension context was in an illegal state for that call. This return value occurs in the following situation. The context has acquired access to an ActionScript BitmapData or ByteArray class object. With one exception, the context can call no other C API functions until it releases the BitmapData or ByteArray object. The one exception is that the context can call FREInvalidateBitmapDataRect() after calling FREAcquireBitmapData() or FREAcquireBitmapData2() .

The runtime could not allocate enough memory to change the size of an Array or Vector object.

A pointer parameter is NULL .

An FREObject parameter is invalid. For examples of invalid FREObject variables, see FREObject validity .

The name of a class, property, or method passed as a parameter does not match an ActionScript class name, property, or method.

The function attempted to modify a read-only property of an ActionScript object.

An FREObject parameter does not represent an object of the ActionScript class expected by the called function.

The method was called from a thread other than the one on which the runtime has an outstanding call to a native extension function.

This final enumeration value is to guarantee that the size of an enumeration value is always 4 bytes.

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