


Runtime version

The FREBitmapData class represents an ActionScript BitmapData object.




public static FREBitmapData newBitmapData (int width, int height, boolean transparent, Byte[] fillColor)

Creates an ActionScript BitmapData object.

public int getWidth()

Gets the bitmap width.

public int getHeight()

Gets the bitmap height.

public boolean hasAlpha()

Indicates whether the bitmap has an alpha channel.

public boolean isPremultiplied()

Indicates whether the bitmap colors are already multiplied by the alpha value.

public int getLineStride32()

Gets the number of 32-bit values per bitmap scan line.

ByteBuffer getBits()

Gets the bitmap pixels.

public void acquire()

Acquires a lock on the ActionScript object.

void invalidateRect( int x, int y, int width, int height )

Marks a rectangle within the bitmap as in need of update.

public void release()

Releases a lock on the ActionScript object.

Added in AIR 3.1:

public boolean isInvertedY

Indicates the order in which the rows of image data are stored.

Most properties of an FREBitmapData object are read only. For example, you cannot change the width or height of a bitmap. (To change these properties, create a new FREBitmapData object with the desired dimensions.) You can, however, access and modify an existing bitmap’s pixel values using the getBits() method. You can also access the ActionScript-defined properties of the BitmapData object using the FREObject getProperty() and setProperty() methods and call the object’s ActionScript methods with the FREObject callMethod() function.

Before calling getBits() on FREBitmapData object that is referenced by ActionScript code, lock the bitmap using the acquire() method. This prevents the AIR runtime or the application from modifying or disposing the bitmap object while your function is running (possibly in another thread). After modifying the bitmap, call invalidateRect() to notify the runtime that the bitmap has changed and release the lock with release() . You cannot use ActionScript-defined properties and methods while you have acquired a lock.

The AIR runtime defines pixel data as a 32-bit value containing three color components, plus alpha in the order: ARGB. Each component within the data is one byte. Valid bitmap data is stored with the color components premultiplied by the alpha component. (However, it is possible to receive a technically invalid BitmapData in which the colors have not been premultiplied. For example, rendering bitmaps with the Context3D class can produce such an invalid bitmap. In this case, the isPremultiplied() method still reports true .)

Method details


public static FREBitmapData newBitmapData (int width, int height, boolean transparent, Byte[] fillColor)

Creates an FREBitmapData object, which can be returned to the ActionScript side of the extension as a BitmapData instance.


The width in pixels. In AIR 3+, there is no arbitrary limit to the width or height of a bitmap (other than the maximum value of an ActionScript signed integer). However, practical memory limits still apply. Bitmap data occupies 32 bits of memory per pixel.

The height in pixels.

Specifies whether this bitmap uses the alpha channel. This parameter corresponds to the hasTransparency() method of the created FREBitmapData and the transparent property of the ActionScript BitmapData object.

The 32-bit, ARGB color value with which to fill the new bitmap. If the transparent parameter is false , the alpha component of the color is ignored.


The FREBitmapData object associated with an ActionScript BitmapData object.


Byte[] fillColor = {0xf,0xf,0xf,0xf,0xf,0xf,0xf,0xf}; 
FREBitmapData bitmap = FREBitmapData.newBitmapData( 320, 200, true, fillColor );


public int getWidth()

Returns the width, in pixels, of the bitmap. This value corresponds to the width property of the ActionScript BitmapData class object. You must call this object’s acquire() function before calling this method.


the number of pixels across the horizontal axis of the bitmap.


public int getHeight()

The height, in pixels, of the bitmap. This value corresponds to the height property of the ActionScript BitmapData class object. You must call this object’s acquire() function before calling this method.


The number of pixels across the vertical axis of the bitmap.


public boolean hasAlpha()

Indicates whether the bitmap supports per-pixel transparency. This value corresponds to the transparent property of the ActionScript BitmapData class object. If the value is true , then the alpha component of the pixel color values is used. If the value is false , the alpha component of the color is not used. You must call this object’s acquire() function before calling this method.


true if the bitmap uses an alpha channel.


public boolean isPremultiplied()

Indicates whether the bitmap pixels are stored as premultiplied color values. A true value means the red, green, and blue components of a pixel color are premultiplied by the alpha component. ActionScript BitmapData objects are currently always premultiplied (but future changes to the runtime could make it possible to create a bitmap that is not premultiplied). For more information about premultiplied color values, see BitmapData.getPixel() in the ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform . You must call this object’s acquire() function before calling this method.


true if the pixel color components are already multiplied by the alpha component.


public int getLineStride32()

Specifies the amount of data in each horizontal line of the bitmap. Use this value with the byte array returned by getBits() to parse the image. For example, the position of the pixel immediately below a pixel located at position n in the byte array is n + getLineStride32() . You must call this object’s acquire() function before calling this method.


The amount of data for each horizontal line in the image.


The following example moves the position of the byte array containing the pixels colors to the beginning of the third line in a bitmap:

Byte[] fillColor = {0xf,0xf,0xf,0xf,0xf,0xf,0xf,0xf}; 
FREBitmapData bitmap = FREBitmapData.newBitmapData( 320, 200, true, fillColor ); 
int lineStride = bitmap.getLineStride32(); 
ByteBuffer pixels = bitmap.getBits(); 
pixels.position( lineStride * 3 ); 
//do something with the image data 


ByteBuffer getBits()

Returns an array of pixel color values. You must call acquire() before using this method and call release() when you are done modifying the data. If you make changes to the pixel data, call invalidateRect() to notify the AIR runtime that the bitmap has changed. Otherwise, the displayed graphics are not updated.


The image data.


FREBitmapData bitmap = FREBitmapData.newBitmapData( 320, 200, true, fillColor ); 
ByteBuffer pixels = bitmap.getBits(); 
//do something with the image data 


public void acquire()

Acquires a lock on the image so that the data cannot be modified or disposed by the runtime or application code while you are accessing it. You only need to acquire a lock for bitmaps passed to the function from the ActionScript side of the extension.

While you have a lock, you can only access the data returned by the getBits() function. Accessing or attempting to modify the other properties of the FREBitmapData results in an exception.


void invalidateRect( int x, int y, int width, int height )

Notifies the runtime that you have changed a region of the image. The screen display of a bitmap data object is not updated unless you call this method. You must call this object’s acquire() function before calling this method.


The upper-left corner of the rectangle to invalidate.

the upper-left corner of the rectangle to invalidate.

the width of the rectangle to invalidate.

the height of the rectangle to invalidate.


public void release()

Releases the lock obtained by acquire() . You must release the lock before accessing any bitmap properties other than the pixel data returned by getBits() .


public boolean isInvertedY()

Indicates the order in which the rows of image data are stored. If true , then the last row of image data appears first in the buffer returned by the getBits() method. Images on Android are normally stored starting with the first row of data, so this property is typically false on the Android platform.

Added in AIR 3.1.

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