Application descriptor changes

The AIR application descriptor has changed in the following AIR releases.

AIR 1.1 descriptor changes

Allowed application name and description elements to be localized using the text element.

AIR 1.5 descriptor changes

contentType became a required child of fileType.

AIR 1.5.3 descriptor changes

Added the publisherID element to allow applications to specify a publisher ID value.

AIR 2.0 descriptor changes


AIR 2.5 descriptor changes

AIR 2.6 descriptor changes

AIR 3.0 descriptor changes


  • colorDepth

  • direct as a valid value for renderMode

  • renderMode is no longer ignored for desktop platforms

  • The Android <uses-sdk> element can be specified. (It was previously not allowed.)

AIR 3.1 descriptor changes


AIR 3.2 descriptor changes

AIR 3.3 descriptor changes


AIR 3.4 descriptor changes


AIR 3.6 descriptor changes


AIR 3.7 descriptor changes


  • The iPhone element now provides an externalSwfs element, which lets you specify a list of SWFs to be loaded at runtime.

  • The iPhone element now provides a forceCPURenderModeForDevices element, which lets you force CPU render mode for a specified set of devices.

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